error code Input h [...] SyncService : ERROR Unmanaged [...] SyncService ERROR ERROR.NO_ERROR
Enums ¶ ABORT_CODE (Enum) CANOPEN [...] _TYPE (Enum) ERROR (Enum)
) Error (Property) ErrorCode (Property
) Error (Property) ErrorCode (Property
_Exit Error Input bInCopyCode [...] _Exit : Error InOut: Scope
_Exit Error Input bInCopyCode [...] _Exit : Error InOut: Scope
error code Input h [...] SyncService : ERROR Disables the [...] SyncService ERROR ERROR.NO_ERROR
PROFINET error code, consists of ErrorCode, ErrorDecode, ErrorCode
dwErrorCode DWORD dwSDOAbortCode [...] Busy BOOL xError BOOL usi
Busy BOOL xError BOOL dwErrorCode DWORD dwSDOAbortCode