Type Input callee ICallOnDialogBlocks
dialog of the slave [...] Inherited from Input x [...] _SLAVE_OPERATIONAL Configuration was
ChangeVisu (FunctionBlock) FbCloseDialog [...] IterateClients (FunctionBlock) FbOpenDialog (FunctionBlock) FbOpenDialog
ChangeVisu (FunctionBlock) FbCloseDialog [...] IterateClients (FunctionBlock) FbOpenDialog (FunctionBlock) FbOpenDialog
StructEvent Input dialogManager IDialogManager dwInput
method within a dialog [...] dialog ‘Change configuration’ provided by
InputsHelpDo BOOL Input p [...] StructEvent dialogManager IDialogManager dwInputFlags DWORD
.g. in an input action, where also the dialog [...] closing the dialog File
CallPaint BOOL Input [...] Visu IVisualisation itfDialog