CIFXProfinetControllerDiag.GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo : DED.ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetDeviceDiagnosisInfo DED.ERROR Input pData CAA.PVOID szSize CAA.SIZE Output szCount CAA.SIZE
CIFXProfinetControllerDiag.GetDeviceErrorAsync (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDeviceErrorAsync : DED.PROC_STATE InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetDeviceErrorAsync DED.PROC_STATE Input eCmd DED.PROC_CMD eCommand Inout eriDeviceError DED.ERROR_INFO error struct Output eError DED.ERROR
CIFXProfinetControllerDiag.GetDeviceInfo (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDeviceInfo : DED.ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetDeviceInfo DED.ERROR Inout deiInfo DED.DEVICE_INFO Device information struct
CIFXProfinetControllerDiag.GetDeviceState (METH) ¶ METHOD GetDeviceState : DED.DEVICE_STATE InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetDeviceState DED.DEVICE_STATE Output xDiagnosisInfoAvailable BOOL eError DED.ERROR
CIFXProfinetControllerDiag.GetLogger (METH) ¶ METHOD GetLogger : DED.ILogger InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetLogger DED.ILogger Output eError DED.ERROR
CIFXProfinetControllerDiag.GetSpecificDeviceErrorAsync (METH) ¶ METHOD GetSpecificDeviceErrorAsync : DED.PROC_STATE Returns the device error of the current node InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetSpecificDeviceErrorAsync DED.PROC_STATE Input eCmd DED.PROC_CMD eCommand pData CAA.PVOID szSize CAA.SIZE Output szCount CAA.SIZE eError DED.ERROR
CIFXProfinetControllerDiag.GetSpecificDeviceState (METH) ¶ METHOD GetSpecificDeviceState : DED.ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetSpecificDeviceState DED.ERROR Input pData CAA.PVOID szSize CAA.SIZE Output szCount CAA.COUNT
IBus ¶ GetBusDiagnosisInfo (Method) GetBusErrorAsync (Method) GetBusInfo (Method) GetBusState (Method) GetQoS (Method) GetSpecificBusState (Method)
IDevice2 ¶ CheckCurrentSupportedCommunicationState (Method) CheckSupportedCommunicationState (Method)
INode ¶ ChildNodeCount (Property) Connector (Property) Enable (Property) FirstChildNode (Property) Index (Property) IsRootNode (Property) NextSiblingNode (Property) ParentNode (Property) SiblingNodeCount (Property)