TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase.GetConfiguration (METH) ¶ METHOD GetConfiguration Identifies the current configuration of an action provider, if connencted to the behaviour model An output returning TRUE signalizes that the corresponding behaviour has been implemented for the related action provider. InOut: Scope Name Type Output xLevelControlled BOOL xTimingControlled BOOL xTimeLimited BOOL xTimeOutConstraint BOOL xAbortable BOOL xEdgeTriggered BOOL xHasContinuousBehaviour BOOL xSupportsExitAction BOOL
TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase.GetModelState (METH) ¶ METHOD GetModelState InOut: Scope Name Type Input xCommit BOOL Output xDone BOOL xBusy BOOL xError BOOL xAborted BOOL iErrorID INT eState STATE
TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase.StartModel (METH) ¶ METHOD StartModel : ERROR InOut: Scope Name Type Return StartModel ERROR Input xCommit BOOL
TimingControlledBehaviourModelBase._Execute (METH) ¶ METHOD PROTECTED _Execute InOut: Scope Name Type Output eErrorID ERROR
IActionController.ControlCleanupAction (METH) ¶ METHOD ControlCleanupAction An action controller is used whenever it is necessary to have the actions of the action controller instead of those of the action provider called. ControlCleanupAction is the action controller specifically used to control the STATE.CLEANING state. InOut: Scope Name Type Input itfCleanupActionProvider ICleanupActionProvider xAbortProposed BOOL iErrorIDProposed INT Output xComplete BOOL xAbort BOOL iErrorID INT
IActionController.ControlStartAction (METH) ¶ METHOD ControlStartAction An action controller is used whenever it is necessary to have the actions of the action controller instead of those of the action provider called. ControlStartAction is the action controller specifically used to control the STATE.STARTING state. InOut: Scope Name Type Input itfStartActionProvider IStartActionProvider Output xComplete BOOL iErrorID INT
IActionController2.ControlSampleAction (METH) ¶ METHOD ControlSampleAction An action controller is used whenever it is necessary to have the actions of the action controller instead of those of the action provider called. ControlSampleAction is the action controller specifically used to control the first invocation of the STATE.STARTING state. InOut: Scope Name Type Input itfSampleActionProvider ISampleActionProvider Output iErrorID INT
ICleanupActionProvider (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICleanupActionProvider EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface The CleanupAction of this ActionProvider is called while the StateMachine of the BahaviourModel is in the state STATE.CLEANING . Methods: CleanupAction Structure: CleanupAction (Method)
ICyclicActionProvider (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICyclicActionProvider EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface The CyclicAction of this ActionProvider is called while the StateMachine of the BahaviourModel is in the state STATE.EXECUTING . Methods: CyclicAction Structure: CyclicAction (Method)
IExitActionProvider (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IExitActionProvider EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Optinal element of an IActionProvider for the handling of external resources. The StateMachine of the BahaviourModel will call its ExitAction once while switching from STATE.CLEANING to STATE.DONE , STATE.ERROR or STATE.ABORTED . The implementation should provide the code conditioned for the additional call in the context of FB_EXIT . Methods: ExitAction Structure: ExitAction (Method)