Service ¶ AlarmFctWriteLatchVariable (Function) AlarmIndices (Struct) AlarmStorageLatchVariable (Struct) HistoricalActiveAlarmRowID (Struct)
Statistics_LTIME.Maximum (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Maximum : LTIME
Statistics_LTIME.Minimum (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Minimum : LTIME
Monitor ¶ ProxyStructMonitor (Struct) ProxyStructMonitorAlarmClassDesc (Struct) ProxyStructMonitorAlarmDesc (Struct) ProxyStructMonitorAlarmGroupDesc (Struct) ProxyStructMonitorRequest (Struct)
Statistics_LTIME.Count (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Count : LINT
Structures ¶ Monitor ProxyStructMonitor (Struct) ProxyStructMonitorAlarmClassDesc (Struct) ProxyStructMonitorAlarmDesc (Struct) ProxyStructMonitorAlarmGroupDesc (Struct) ProxyStructMonitorRequest (Struct) ProxyStructError (Struct)
ProxyStructMonitorRequest (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ProxyStructMonitorRequest : STRUCT This structure reports the actual status of request InOut: Name Type Initial Comment iTaskId INT ProxyConstants.REQ_ID_NONE Task identification aFifoErrors ARRAY [1..ProxyConstants.FIFO_ERROR_SIZE] OF ProxyStructError Fifo of the errors udiErrCount UDINT Total errors count ltElapTime LTIME Elapsed time between two calls tReqDurationLast TIME Duration of the last request tReqDurationAvg TIME Average value of request duration in the last ‘n’ calls tReqDurationMin TIME Minimum value of request duration in the last ‘n’ calls tReqDurationMax TIME Maximum value of request duration in the last ‘n’ calls udiReqDurationBuildReq UDINT Duration of the build request (microS) udiReqDurationWaitAns UDINT Duration of the answer wait (microS) udiReqDurationElabAns UDINT Duration of the answer elaboration (microS) udiReqCount UDINT Total requests count udiReqCountClosed UDINT Total requests count closed, with or without errors
Library Information ¶ GetLibVersion (Function) GetLibVersionNumber (Function) IsLibReleased (Function)