ProxyFbHistAlarmsRowQueue.GetItem (METH) ¶ METHOD GetItem : POINTER TO ProxyFbAlarmHistorical Get a specific item of the queue InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetItem POINTER TO ProxyFbAlarmHistorical Input iObjNum INT Which one: -1 if we need the first available, otherwise it gets the specific one
ProxyFbHistActiveAlarmsQueue.SetLastState (METH) ¶ METHOD SetLastState It sets the old state of alarm from the queue InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input dwRowID DWORD Local Row ID to get the state eState AlarmState State to set
ProxyStructMonitorAlarmClassDesc (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ProxyStructMonitorAlarmClassDesc : STRUCT This structure is used to store the description of an alarm class InOut: Name Type Comment sName STRING The name of the alarmclass udiInternalID UDINT The internal id of the alarmclass usiPriority USINT The priority of the alarmclass xAcknowledgeSeparately BOOL The flag, that indicates, whether alarms referencing this alarm class have to be acknowledged separately [return value of IAlarmClass.IsAcknowledgeSeparately()]
ProxyStructMonitorAlarmDesc (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ProxyStructMonitorAlarmDesc : STRUCT This structure is used to store the description of an alarm InOut: Name Type Comment sAlarmID STRING The id of the alarm uiAlarmID ALARM_ID The id of the alarm udiAlarmInternalID UDINT The internal id of the alarm udiAlarmGroupInternalID UDINT The internal id of the alarm group the alarm belongs to udiAlarmClassInternalID UDINT The internal id of the referenced alarm class
ProxyStructMonitorAlarmGroupDesc (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ProxyStructMonitorAlarmGroupDesc : STRUCT This structure is used to store the description of an alarm group InOut: Name Type Comment sName STRING The name of the alarmgroup udiInternalID UDINT The internal id of the alarmgroup sTextlist STRING The name of the referenced textlist of the alarmgroup
AlarmFctWriteLatchVariable (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION AlarmFctWriteLatchVariable : UDINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return AlarmFctWriteLatchVariable UDINT Inout Const itfTaggedServiceWriter ITaggedServiceWriter iWhichLatchVar INT latchVariable LatchVariable
AlarmIndices (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE AlarmIndices : STRUCT This structure contains indices the alarm table in the HMI needs. InOut: Name Type Comment m_iAlarmGroupIndex INT The index of the alarm group within all alarm groups the alarm belongs to m_iAlarmIndex INT The index of the alarm within all alarms of the alarm group m_iCallerIndex INT The index the alarm table uses internally for storing the alarm
AlarmStorageLatchVariable (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE AlarmStorageLatchVariable : STRUCT This structure bundles the information of a latch variable stored in the alarm storage. InOut: Name Type Comment m_byType BYTE The type of the latch variable. A TypeClass value. m_liValue LINT The latch value as “raw” value m_xValueNULL BOOL Indicates, whether NULL is stored in the alarm storage
ProxyStructMonitor (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ProxyStructMonitor : STRUCT This structure reports the actual status of request InOut: Name Type Comment sName STRING Proxy name eState ProxyEnumState Proxy state iAlarmClassNum INT Number of alarms classes available iAlarmGroupsNum INT Number of alarms groups available diAlarmNum DINT Number of total alarms available iLatchVarsNum INT Number of latch variables used iActiveAlarms INT Number of alarms still active diHistActiveAlmsCnt DINT Active historical alarms still present in the queue iHistRowAlmsCnt INT Historical alarms to write into DB iHistRowActiveAlmsCnt INT Active historical alarms to write into DB xHasStorage BOOL If the remote device has storage dwRowIDFirstRemDB DWORD First row ID present in the remote DB dwRowIDLastRemDB DWORD Last row ID present in the remote DB dwRowIDLastLocDB DWORD Last Row id present in local DB during the start-up scanning diWriteDBCntTot DINT Total historical alarms written into DB iWriteDBCnt INT Last number of historical alarms written into DB, active and not active tWriteDBDurationLast TIME Duration of the last write of historical alarms into DB diTotMem DINT Amount of memory allocated, for all instantiated proxies diHistActiveAlmsSize DINT Queue size of active historical alarms iHistRowAlmsSize INT Queue size of historical alarms to write in DB iHistRowActiveAlmsSize INT Queue size of active historical alarms to write in DB libVerAlmMan VERSION Library version of alarm manager
ProxyStructError (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ProxyStructError : STRUCT Single error info InOut: Name Type udiError UDINT ltTimeStamp LTIME sMsg STRING(20)