LocalAddr POINTER TO BYTE xWriteAccess BOOL bitOffset BYTE
used to define a [...] StartAddr POINTER TO BYTE 0 [...] ” size in bit, 1 or 8
_SIZE encodes 8 bit binary [...] LastBlock variable must be set to [...] LastBlock has to be set to
ReadCaptureConfig BOOL Output bMaskBit [...] Execute BOOL Rising edge [...] _Template_Edge Output xDone BOOL TRUE
NetId USINT xSupport29Bit BOOL ctMessages CAA.COUNT peError POINTER TO
> 16bit) Other non [...] / holding registers to [...] -bit - no way out of
be used to send a [...] to another module [...] Execute to FALSE before
CamStructID WORD 16#DC34 By [...] POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to actual data
SetOperational BOOL Rising edge: An attempt is made to switch to the ETC
opened due to [...] Baudrate to 0 if the [...] the baudrate set to