Port (Function [...] ) ReceivePort (Property) SendPort (Property
byte into a port [...] 1: Port Byte2: Value [...] address byPort BYTE
-Port number [...] CommunicationSettings DINT Input uiPortNr UINT 502 TCP-Port
-Port number [...] CommunicationSettings DINT Input uiPortNr UINT 502 TCP-Port
_GlobalVariables (GVL) ModbusComPort IoDrvModbusComPort (FunctionBlock) IoDrvModbusComPort
_EventCode_Device Master_Port IOL_EventCode_Port
socket on a port and [...] the port. Properties: IPAddress Port
socket Input diSendPort DINT Port number to [...] order) diRecvPort
H libraryFile SysPort [...] contentFile SysPort [...] : Description Placeholder SysPort
(remote) Master_Port Master/Port