ITrendStorageWriter2.GetStatistics (METH) ¶ METHOD GetStatistics This method is used to access the statistics of the writing InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Output tAvgWriteTime TIME Returns the average time, that is needed to write to the trend storage tAvgCycleTime TIME Returns the average cycle time, when data is written to the trend storage
ITrendStorageWriter2.RemoveTrendStorageWriterListener (METH) ¶ METHOD RemoveTrendStorageWriterListener : ETrendStorageReaderErrors Removes an ITrendStorageWriterListener instance. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return RemoveTrendStorageWriterListener ETrendStorageReaderErrors A ETrendStorageReaderErrors value indicating, whether the processing has been completed successfully or not: ETrendStorageReaderErrors.NoError: Completed successfully ETrendStorageReaderErrors.WrongParameter: If the ITrendStorageWriterListener instance is invalid ETrendStorageReaderErrors.NoObject: If the ITrendStorageWriterListener instance cannot be removed, because was not found, i.e. has not been added with method AddTrendStorageWriterListener Input itfTrendStorageWriterListener ITrendStorageWriterListener
TrendStorageReader (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK TrendStorageReader EXTENDS TrendFbAbstractTrendStorageReader IMPLEMENTS ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator2 This function block can be used from the application code to access the trend storage Methods: AddTrendStorageWriterListener ContinueReading GetMinMaxTimestamps Initialize Read RemoveTrendStorageWriterListener CurveFillingAlphaRead CurveFillingColorRead CurveFillingTypeRead CurveTypeRead DoContinueReading GradientAngleRead GradientBrightnessRead GradientCenterXRead GradientCenterYRead GradientColor1Read GradientColor2Read GradientColorBrightnessRead GradientTranspColor1Read GradientTranspColor2Read GradientTypeRead GradientUseTwoColorsRead LineStyleRead LineWidthRead Structure: AddTrendStorageWriterListener (Method) ContinueReading (Method) GetMinMaxTimestamps (Method) ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator DoContinueReading (Method) prvTblTrendConfigurationGetConfig LineStyleRead (Method) LineWidthRead (Method) ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator2 CurveFillingAlphaRead (Method) CurveFillingColorRead (Method) CurveFillingTypeRead (Method) CurveTypeRead (Method) GradientAngleRead (Method) GradientBrightnessRead (Method) GradientCenterXRead (Method) GradientCenterYRead (Method) GradientColor1Read (Method) GradientColor2Read (Method) GradientColorBrightnessRead (Method) GradientTranspColor1Read (Method) GradientTranspColor2Read (Method) GradientTypeRead (Method) GradientUseTwoColorsRead (Method) Initialize (Method) Read (Method) RemoveTrendStorageWriterListener (Method)
TrendStorageReader.AddTrendStorageWriterListener (METH) ¶ METHOD AddTrendStorageWriterListener : ETrendStorageReaderErrors Adds an ITrendStorageWriterListener instance. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return AddTrendStorageWriterListener ETrendStorageReaderErrors A ETrendStorageReaderErrors value indicating, whether the processing has been completed successfully or not: ETrendStorageReaderErrors.NoError: Completed successfully ETrendStorageReaderErrors.WrongParameter: If the ITrendStorageWriterListener instance is invalid ETrendStorageReaderErrors.NoMemory: If the ITrendStorageWriterListener instance cannot be stored, because no memory available Input itfTrendStorageWriterListener ITrendStorageWriterListener An instance of ITrendStorageWriterListener, that will be informed every time, when new data has been written into the trend storage
TrendStorageReader.ContinueReading (METH) ¶ METHOD ContinueReading : ETrendStorageReaderErrors Reads data from the trend storage. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return ContinueReading ETrendStorageReaderErrors A ETrendStorageReaderErrors value indicating, whether the processing has been completed successfully or not: ETrendStorageReaderErrors.NoError: Completed successfully ETrendStorageReaderErrors.InvalidCall: ContinueReading was called without calling method Read before ETrendStorageReaderErrors.AdditionalReadCallRequired: Reading has been completed successfully, but there is additional call of method ContinueReading necessary to read the rest of the data Input liTimstampFrom LINT The absolute timestamp of the 1st sample liTimstampTo LINT The absolute timestamp of the last sample itfTrendStorageReaderConsumer ITrendStorageReaderConsumer An instance of ITrendStorageReaderConsumer, to which the data read from the trend storage will be passed.
TrendStorageReader.GetMinMaxTimestamps (METH) ¶ METHOD GetMinMaxTimestamps : ETrendStorageReaderErrors This method determines minimum and maximum timestamp stored in the trend storage. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetMinMaxTimestamps ETrendStorageReaderErrors Output liMinTimestamp LINT Returns minimum timestamp liMaxTimestamp LINT Returns maximum timestamp liAbsPacketStartTime LINT Returns the absolute start time of the 1st trace mgr packet xTableIsEmpty BOOL Indicates, whether the database table is empty and default values will be returned
ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator ¶ DoContinueReading (Method) prvTblTrendConfigurationGetConfig LineStyleRead (Method) LineWidthRead (Method)
TrendStorageReader.DoContinueReading (METH) ¶ METHOD DoContinueReading : BOOL Indicates, whether the reading (i.e. iterating through the row IDs and reading the corresponding data) has to be continued or not. InOut: Scope Name Type Return DoContinueReading BOOL
prvTblTrendConfigurationGetConfig ¶ LineStyleRead (Method) LineWidthRead (Method)
TrendFbTrendStorageWriterReader.GetAndResetIsCleared (METH) ¶ METHOD GetAndResetIsCleared : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetAndResetIsCleared BOOL