TCP_Connection [...] Write : ERROR In [...] Return Write ERROR
TCP_Connection [...] ClientAddress : ERROR InOut: Scope [...] ClientAddress ERROR Inout itf
TCP_Connection [...] _BLOCK PUBLIC FINAL TCP_Connection [...] _Internal Encapsulates the connection
RDT_Client.Connection [...] ConnectionTimeout : TIME [...] connection setup aborts
PlcAppConnection [...] _BLOCK PlcAppConnection [...] ShutdownFlags LastError Monitoring
error condition [...] Busy , xError or the [...] Done , xBusy , xError
internal connection to [...] effects of the open connection. login ( change
CmpTlsBufferOpen (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CmpTlsBufferOpen [...] connection around any
IEC61850_OpenLocalSocket (PRG) ¶ PROGRAM IEC61850_Open [...] Output xSocketOpen
IStorage.TableOpen (METH) ¶ METHOD TableOpen [...] TableOpen ITable