INT ¶ Assert_Int_Equal (Function) Assert_Int_Greater (Function) Assert_Int
CODESYS Development System
POU:CheckDivInt 防止被“0”除的功能: CheckDivInt [...] 以使用函数 CheckDivInt , Check
IntElement.IntValue (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY IntValue : INT Returns the
CODESYS Development System
运算符:TRUNC_INT [...] 类型进入 INT 数据类型。 CODESYS [...] TRUNC_INT 对应于 TRUNC
Assert_Int [...] Assert_Int [...] of type INT In
Assert_Int [...] Assert_Int [...] value of INT is
Assert_Int [...] Assert_Int [...] value of INT is
Assert_Int [...] Assert_Int_Less : BOOL [...] INT is less then
Assert_Int [...] Assert_Int [...] value of INT is less
Assert_Int [...] Assert_Int [...] of type INT In