Error ErrorCode [...] ) Error (Property) ErrorCode (Property
DriverSpecific ErrorCode [...] ItemBase ErrorCode (Property [...] ItemBase ElementHashCode
Profinet error code, consists of ErrCode, ErrDecode, ErrCode1 and ErrCode2
’t support reconfiguring eError returns ERROR [...] example code disables a
Enums ¶ ERROR (Enum) OPTION_CODE (Enum)
ConfigureDevice : ErrorCode [...] ConfigureDevice ErrorCode
Structs ¶ ERROR_CODE (Struct) UnpackedEPATH (Struct)
Enums ¶ ErrorCode (Enum) EthernetState (Enum)
or not pxOptErrorCode [...] error code tcOptErrorCode [...] variable pxOptErrorCode
or not pxOptErrorCode [...] error code tcOptErrorCode [...] variable pxOptErrorCode