Ua_CallMethodResult : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Ua_StatusCode NoOf [...] Ua_StatusCode NoOf
Index of the Log_DeviceObjectProperty-Property of this BACnet-Object. InOut: Scope
nIndex of the [...] -Structured-Object-List of [...] . InOut: Scope Name
Type (Property) OutOf [...] (Property) DescriptionOf [...] TimeStamps (Property) InstanceOf
Index in the List of [...] . InOut: Scope Name [...] index of the device
SlaveActivation is part of the [...] state of slave [...] documentation of PB
_SL_PRM_SET : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] SlaveParaLen WORD length of whole [...] Slave_Typ BYTE type of slave
version, number of columns of the data table, … InOut: Scope
HMI needs. InOut [...] _iAlarmGroupIndex INT The index of [...] _iAlarmIndex INT The index of
actions of the action controller instead of those of the action