Out: Scope Name Type Inout [...] _SampleQueue Input taskCycleTime
Out: Scope Name Type Comment Input ClientType Visu_ClientType
OUT are of the type [...] time but calculates [...] Out: Scope Name Type
(Property) DeviceType [...] State (Property) EventTime [...] ) NotifyType (Property
Name Type Return [...] _FctTransformSelectionIsotropicOverlay BOOL Inout pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
received data eSocketType [...] Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Tries to receive data [...] there is no data to
) ¶ FUNCTION DTConcat : DATE_AND_TIME [...] -1131-3 format DATE_AND_TIME [...] Name Type Comment
Name Type Output x [...] TimingControlled BOOL xTimeLimited BOOL xTime
Name Type Output x [...] TimingControlled BOOL xTimeLimited BOOL xTime
Name Type Output x [...] TimingControlled BOOL xTimeLimited BOOL xTime