Value : __XWORD InOut: Scope [...] BYTE dwSize __XWORD
Value : __XWORD InOut: Scope [...] BYTE dwSize __XWORD
_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name [...] Text POINTER TO BYTE udi
VarAccess_Interfaces.XWORD InOut: Scope Name [...] TO BYTE var
FreeResources : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE dw
latch variable. In [...] _byType BYTE The type of the
_FctCheckForLongFormatSpecifier : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] InputArray POINTER TO BYTE i
Assign : UDINT InOut: Scope [...] POINTER TO BYTE The
InOut: Scope Name [...] BYTE varType Visu
order bit of the [...] typeclass. InOut: Name [...] definet in POUType