AccSetValue : XWORD InOut: Scope [...] Src POINTER TO BYTE dw
AccSwap2 : XWORD InOut: Scope [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE dw
UaStringStrnCmp : DINT InOut: Scope [...] IgnoreCase BYTE
MemBuffer : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE udi
PathBuildingNode InOut: Scope Name [...] BYTE userdefined
Ua_QueryNextResponse : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] ContinuationPoint OpcUa_ByteString
_T_DP_PRM_DATA : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] [0..241] OF BYTE
61850_CheckEnumRange : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] BYTE diValueLen DINT
61850_Encoding_Component : DINT InOut: Scope [...] TO BYTE eType IEC
61850_Encoding_ComponentSingle : DINT InOut: Scope [...] Value POINTER TO BYTE e