can be written to a [...] be reset to its [...] Name STRING(240) Station
StyleKey STRING The name of the style entry to seach [...] value to use if the
StyleKey STRING The name of the style entry to seach [...] value to use if the
stStyleKey STRING [...] style entry to seach [...] to use if the
Name STRING The program [...] program to look up [...] comparison needs to be
> character according to [...] OutputValue STRING This is the string representation
> character according to [...] OutputValue STRING This is the string representation
61850_CDC_CTE Number of changes to [...] Referenz auf das String [...] das String Array in
Application POINTER TO STRING Points to the name of [...] call to method Load
_PutBufferedStreamGetErrorMessage (Function) ACP_StringFromStream (Function) ACP_StringTo [...] Stream (Function) ACP_TypedValueToString