corresponding data, whereas [...] data usage. InOut: Scope Name Type
corresponding data, whereas [...] data usage. InOut: Scope Name Type
corresponding data, whereas [...] data usage. InOut: Scope Name Type
Ua_ActivateSessionRequest (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Opc [...] Type Request [...] Ua_RequestHeader ClientSignature OpcUa_SignatureData
ConfigUtil (FunctionBlock) GetData [...] SubmoduleInfo (Method) UpdateData [...] SubslotNumber (Method) GetConfigType
methods. Methods: AfterReadingData [...] ReadingVariableValuesOfRow BeforeReadingData [...] ContinueReading FinalizeReading FirstData
of data type BOOL [...] of data type byte [...] Type Comment Input B
of data type byte [...] data type BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type
AddressInfo pData POINTER TO BYTE itemType PlcDataItemType [...] Type Return Write
Name Type Initial [...] E prototcol uiVendorType [...] vendor type for the Vo