IOL_STATUS to type [...] Name Type Comment [...] _Status DWORD IOL_CALL-FBs
of methods ReceiveData() and SendData() is [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type [...] RowHeaderColor DWORD The color to [...] ColorFirst DWORD Color for the
3_CNC_GetVersion : DWORD Returns the [...] library as a DWORD [...] DWORD contains one
Type Return Set [...] Region INT dwOffset DWORD dwBitNr DWORD b
Type Input bEnable BOOL hFile DWORD [...] ErrorId WORD dwPos DWORD
Type Input bEnable BOOL hFile DWORD dwPos DWORD Output b
Name Type Return [...] ItemCount UDINT dwListId DWORD [...] TransactionId DWORD
Name Type Return [...] ItemCount UDINT dwListId DWORD [...] TransactionId DWORD
AccGetSize2 : DWORD InOut: Scope Name Type Return VarAccGetSize2 DWORD Input p