. Data is provided as an ARRAY OF BYTE [...] _WRITE . If DATA was
Name Type Return Io [...] ConfigParameter pData POINTER TO BYTE dwBitSize DWORD
Name Type Return Io [...] ConfigParameter pData POINTER TO BYTE dwBitSize DWORD
Out: Scope Name Type [...] _DIRECTORY_ENTRY pCallbackUserData POINTER TO BYTE
Out: Scope Name Type [...] _DIRECTORY_ENTRY pCallbackUserData POINTER TO BYTE
Name Type Return Io [...] ConfigParameter pData POINTER TO BYTE dwBitSize DWORD
Name Type Return Io [...] ConfigParameter pData POINTER TO BYTE dwBitSize DWORD
Name Type Inout Axis [...] ActiveCaptureSources BYTE di [...] DriveParameterNumber DINT usiData
Name Type Inout Axis [...] ActiveCaptureSources BYTE di [...] DriveParameterNumber DINT usiData
Type Comment pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData [...] StructBackgroundAndStaticElementDrawing (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Visu