Name Type Return Var [...] Node IBaseTreeNode pData POINTER TO BYTE dw
Name Type Return Var [...] Node IBaseTreeNode pData POINTER TO BYTE dw
Name Type Return Var [...] Node IBaseTreeNode pData POINTER TO BYTE dw
Name Type Return Var [...] Node IBaseTreeNode pData POINTER TO BYTE dw
Name Type Return [...] pData POINTER TO BYTE szSize UDINT
Name Type Return [...] InformationStruct pData POINTER TO BYTE bMotorola BOOL
data at “pbyMem1” of [...] the data at “pbyMem2”. If the data is
Type Comment Return [...] socket pbyData POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to
Ua_Variant DataType Opc [...] Ua_VariableAttributes (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Opc [...] Type Specified
reason wDataType WORD [...] Type Initial Comment [...] SubIndex BYTE The sub index