: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] Owner(). AXIS_REF_SM3 vMinRequiredVersion [...] version of SM3
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] Owner(). AXIS_REF_SM3 vMinRequiredVersion [...] version of SM3
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] Owner(). AXIS_REF_SM3 vMinRequiredVersion [...] version of SM3
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] Owner(). AXIS_REF_SM3 vMinRequiredVersion [...] version of SM3
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] Owner(). AXIS_REF_SM3 vMinRequiredVersion [...] version of SM3
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] Owner(). AXIS_REF_SM3 vMinRequiredVersion [...] version of SM3
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] Owner(). AXIS_REF_SM3 vMinRequiredVersion [...] version of SM3
: errorstop 2: stopping 3 [...] Owner(). AXIS_REF_SM3 vMinRequiredVersion [...] version of SM3
functions: atan2, 3 [...] _SetRow (Function) SMC_Matrix3_ToRollPitchYaw_deg (Function) SMC_Matrix3_To
SM3_RCP Library [...] : CODESYS Title : SM3_RCP Version : 4