_IEC_HANDLE Socket Id iPort INT [...] TO BYTE Address of
Instance POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] BYTE Pointer to Get [...] BYTE Pointer to Set
VisuClientObject POINTER TO BYTE p [...] VisuHandler.VisuStructEvent iElem INT
WhichVariable INT The 0 based [...] Value BYTE The first color
WhichVariable INT The 0 based [...] Value BYTE The second
_Bit Iec_Byte Iec [...] _Lword Iec_Sint Iec_Int [...] _AnyBit Iec_AnyDate Iec_AnyInt
WhichVariable INT The 0 based [...] Value BYTE The first color
TimeAllowedToLive tyIEC61850_AT_INT [...] IEC61850_AT_TimeStamp nStNum tyIEC61850_AT_INT32 nSqNum tyIEC61850_AT_INT
WhichVariable INT The 0 based [...] Value BYTE The second
] OF BYTE pby [...] BufferSize INT sFontName STRING iFontHeight INT