bisecting plane h of the [...] _CalcBisectingPlane BOOL Inout h SMC_Plane Inout Const p0 SMC_VECTOR3D
PrimArc Inout Const vC SM3M.SMC_Vector3D [...] coordinates vN SM3M.SMC_Vector3D [...] of the arc’s plane
Const vC SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D [...] coordinates vN SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D [...] of the arc’s plane
ring’s center (x,y,z) d [...] ring d
position dS. In [...] _cache (starting at 0) dS LREAL
PrimArc Inout Const vS_local SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D vD_local SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D
Reverse BOOL dS LREAL d [...] ) = S * f(x/L) if NOT bReverse g(x) = S