Name Type Return OnUserManagementDialogClosed BOOL Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData
Out: Scope Name Type Comment Input idRowTblTrendData [...] ” timestamp idRowTblTrendData
Ua_QueryNextResponse (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Opc [...] Type Response [...] Ua_ResponseHeader NoOfQueryData
Type Comment Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData
_ALLOC (Struct) VisuFbXYChartData [...] AxisFontLabel (Method) GetData [...] PntCurve (Method) GetPntData
number of runes in pbyData [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] Count UDINT Input pbyData
Name Type Return [...] ChannelHandle WORD pduData CHCProtocolDataUnit
corresponding data, whereas [...] data usage. InOut: Scope Name Type
corresponding data, whereas [...] data usage. InOut: Scope Name Type
corresponding data, whereas [...] data usage. InOut: Scope Name Type