Functions ¶ BIT_AS_BYTE (FunctionBlock) BIT_AS_DWORD [...] _BIT (FunctionBlock) DWORD_AS
IVisualisation stBmp STRING pt [...] as the bottom [...] BmpFlags DWORD dwBgColor DWORD
REAL xHandleAsI BOOL Methods: AsPointStruct AsPointStructI As
CreateRecipe : DWORD [...] as a recipe file [...] Recipe DWORD Possible last
_BYTE (FunctionBlock) BIT_AS_DWORD [...] _BIT (FunctionBlock) DWORD_AS [...] ASCII_TO_BYTE (Function) WORD_AS_STRING
. TOCHECK: Is DWORD ok as [...] Timestamp : DWORD The [...] does this DWORD have
format string and the [...] Format POINTER TO STRING the [...] TO DWORD the
OverrideByApp BOOL dwValue DWORD Properties: ValueAsTime Structure: ValueAs
StrCpy : DWORD InOut: Scope [...] Return SysStrCpy DWORD Inout sString1 STRING
Subnet mask as string [...] IPAddress REFERENCE TO STRING IP [...] communication partner as