Util ¶ Byte [...] ) Freeze (Method) GetByte (Method) GetData
Ua_QueryNextResponse (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Opc [...] Type Response [...] Ua_ResponseHeader NoOfQueryData
AxisParameterNumber DINT pbyData POINTER TO BYTE usiData [...] Name Type Inout
AxisParameterNumber DINT pbyData POINTER TO BYTE usiData [...] Name Type Inout
Name Type Comment [...] Index WORD bySubIndex BYTE Output pData CAA
Rune : UDINT Writes into pbyData [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] encoded pbyData POINTER
Out: Scope Name Type [...] UDINT Input stData [...] InitInfo pInitData POINTER
Out: Scope Name Type [...] UDINT Input stData [...] InitInfo pInitData POINTER
] OF BYTE Result_DATA [...] Type Output CODEGUID ARRAY [0..15] OF BYTE
InformationUSI (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE [...] InOut: Name Type [...] StructureIdentifier - expresses the type of