ISO8327_BlockHeader (Struct) tyISO8327_ClientData [...] ISO8327_ConnectionIdent (Struct) tyISO8650_UserInfoData (Struct) tyISO8823_CP_Type
Type Return LogoutUser DWORD Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData
device. @param configData [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] Id DINT configData
data !). The usage [...] remanent data. InOut: Scope Name Type
Name Type Return [...] Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
to sent data from [...] the pointer pData contains the data to be
Type Return Create [...] CHCProtocolDataUnit target
statistic data of the pn [...] Name Type Return Get
the data to the [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Input pData __XWORD