List POINTER TO CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_DEV_OBJ_REFERENCE [...] according to the given
List POINTER TO CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_DEV_OBJ_REFERENCE [...] according to the given
List POINTER TO CmpBACnet.IEC_BACNET_DEV_OBJ_REFERENCE [...] according to the given
BrowseName POINTER TO OpcUa_QualifiedName varInfo REFERENCE TO Variable
_REF_SML Reference to the axis [...] values are to be
size of the string to be encoded
the function SMC_ErrorString to determine the
BACnet-Server to [...] sense, to have more [...] ObjectBase GetBACnetBitString
StorageGetTextId : STRING This function can be used to [...] StorageGetTextId STRING The text id. An