CircleTolerance LREAL Tolerance to [...] is used to convert [...] G75 previous to
switchToBustaskCS BOOL [...] SwitchECS : BOOL [...] element functions to
copypointerstring : BOOL In [...] copypointerstring BOOL Input pby POINTER TO BYTE target
: BOOL Writes a given array of bytes to the [...] Return Write BOOL
SetPointer : BOOL Method to cyclically [...] to be udpated
ETrigTo xError BOOL [...] _Write EXTENDS ETrigTo This function block serves to
tappet is switched to [...] LREAL Master position
DesiredAxis that is closest to m [...] _Error Output c_deg LREAL
DesiredAxis that is closest to m [...] _Error Output c_deg LREAL
PaintAfterAllDialog : BOOL InOut: Scope [...] PaintAfterAllDialog BOOL Input pRect POINTER TO