TransformationValuesWithClientObjectPositions Method to set the [...] VisutransformXOffset REAL VisutransformYOffset REAL
.IQueryInterface Interface to handle [...] : GetValueBOOL GetValueREAL GetValueUDINT SetValueREAL
_MANUAL REAL Y is set to [...] to the controller [...] recommended to use PID
F : REAL Round to the [...] REAL Return TruncateF REAL
number of words written to aw [...] parameters are assumed to
StructPointF RotateBy REAL ScaleBy REAL VISU_SCALEBASE RotateInteriorBy REAL
position related to the [...] related to the master [...] EditorMasterMin REAL The minimum
position related to the [...] related to the master [...] EditorMasterMin REAL The minimum
position related to the [...] related to the master [...] EditorMasterMin REAL The minimum
position related to the [...] related to the master [...] EditorMasterMin REAL The minimum