(dX := 0, dY := 0 [...] length (number of bytes) of serialized
(dX := 0, dY := 0 [...] length (number of bytes) of serialized
of the additional [...] of position axis [...] -) shape instead of
LastAccess UDINT Date of last [...] LastModification UDINT Date of last [...] Creation UDINT Creation date
number of outputs on [...] definition of a specific [...] The main islands of
Date_List-Property of this BACnet [...] Date_List-Property
(Function) DateConcat (Function) DateSplit (Function) GetDayOf
degree of polynomials [...] , when half of it is [...] of significant
) DTSplit (Function) DateConcat (Function) DateSplit (Function) GetDayOf
exception date. weekOf [...] exception date. dayOf [...] _Schedule-Property of this BACnet