Name Type Initial Constant BIT_SL_FLAG_BIRESERVED1 BYTE 16#1 BIT
GeneratedInfo (Struct) AddressInfoType [...] InfoUnion (Union) Bit
RegisterOffset : BOOL Set 32 bit [...] Out: Scope Name Type
bit-mask. InOut: Scope Name Type
supports 64 bit types [...] Type Input n1 UI64 n
-bit numbers. The [...] 64-bit number [...] bit numbers. Note
Rights BitAccess Bit [...] HugeVariables SymbolicName VariableType [...] Rights (Property) Bit
returns the 8 bits “xBit0” .. “xBit7”. Prefix [...] -> xBit0 = TRUE xBit
RegisterPointer : BOOL Set 32 bit [...] Out: Scope Name Type
-bit number by an unsigned 32 bit number [...] unsigned 64-bit number