SMC_ERROR (ENUM) ¶ TYPE SMC_ERROR : The enumeration SMC_ERROR contains all error numbers that can be returned by SoftMotion function blocks. SMC_ErrorString generates an error string output. InOut: Name Initial Comment SMC_NO_ERROR 0 No error SMC_DI_GENERAL_COMMUNICATION_ERROR 1 Communication error. The fieldbus slave is no longer in state operational. SMC_DI_AXIS_ERROR 2 Axis error SMC_DI_FIELDBUS_LOST_SYNCRONICITY 3 Fieldbus has lost synchronicity SMC_DI_SWLIMITS_EXCEEDED 10 Position outside of permissible range of SWLimit SMC_DI_HWLIMITS_EXCEEDED 11 Hardware end switch is active SMC_DI_LINEAR_AXIS_OUTOFRANGE 12 This error occurs if a linear axis has more than 2^15 32-bit overflows of the position in increments SMC_DI_HALT_OR_QUICKSTOP_NOT_SUPPORTED 13 Drive status Halt or Quickstop is not supported SMC_DI_VOLTAGE_DISABLED 14 Drive has no power SMC_DI_IRREGULAR_ACTPOSITION 15 This error is no longer used SMC_DI_POSITIONLAGERROR 16 Position lag error. Difference between set and current position exceeds the given limit SMC_DI_HOMING_ERROR 17 Homing error reported by axis SMC_DI_LICENSING_ERROR 18 A problem with the license occurred SMC_DI_DRIVE_LIMIT_ACTIVE 19 A limit of the drive is active, for example an i²t error has occurred. SMC_REGULATOR_OR_START_NOT_SET 20 Controller enable not done or brake applied SMC_WRONG_CONTROLLER_MODE 21 Axis in wrong controller mode SMC_INVALID_ACTION_FOR_LOGICAL 25 Invalid action at logical axis SMC_AXIS_IS_NOT_OPERATIONAL 27 Axis is not operational wCommunicationState <> 100 SMC_AXIS_NOT_FOLLOWING_SETVALUES 28 Axis is currently not following the set values SMC_FB_WASNT_CALLED_DURING_MOTION 30 Motion creating module has not been called again before end of the motion SMC_AXIS_IS_NO_AXIS_REF 31 Type of given AXIS_REF variable is not AXIS_REF SMC_AXIS_REF_CHANGED_DURING_OPERATION 32 AXIS_REF variable has been exchanged while the module was active. SMC_FB_ACTIVE_AXIS_DISABLED 33 Axis disabled while being moved. MC_Power.bRegulatorOn SMC_AXIS_NOT_READY_FOR_MOTION 34 Axis in its current state cannot execute a motion command, because the axis doesn’t signal currently that it follows the target values. SMC_AXIS_ERROR_DURING_MOTION 35 The drive reported an error during an ongoing movement. SMC_FB_CALLED_FROM_WRONG_TASK 36 The function block was called from the wrong task. SMC_VD_MAX_VELOCITY_EXCEEDED 40 Maximum velocity fMaxVelocity exceeded SMC_VD_MAX_ACCELERATION_EXCEEDED 41 Maximum acceleration fMaxAcceleration exceeded SMC_VD_MAX_DECELERATION_EXCEEDED 42 Maximum deceleration fMaxDeceleration exceeded SMC_3SH_INVALID_VELACC_VALUES 50 Invalid velocity, acceleration, deceleration, or jerk values SMC_3SH_MODE_NEEDS_HWLIMIT 51 Mode requests for safety reasons use of end switches. SMC_FRC_NO_FREE_HANDLE 60 No free handle has been sent to open file. SMC_MAC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED 65 Initialization of SMC_MultiAcyclicCommunicator not successful SMC_MAC_INVALID_TASK_HANDLE 66 The axis has got an invalid handle SMC_MAC_TOO_MANY_TASKS 67 Too many tasks with SDO-producing axes SMC_MAC_ATOMIC_ADD_FAILED 68 Atomic add failed SMC_SDO_INVALID_DATALENGTH 69 SDO-read lead to invalid datalength (> 4) SMC_SCM_NOT_SUPPORTED 70 Mode not supported SMC_SCM_AXIS_IN_WRONG_STATE 71 In current mode, controller mode cannot be changed. SMC_SCM_INTERRUPTED 72 SMC_SetControllerMode has been interrupted by MC_Stop or errorstop . SMC_ST_WRONG_CONTROLLER_MODE 75 Axis not in correct controller mode. Deprecated, no longer returned by SMC_SetTorque . SMC_RAG_ERROR_DURING_STARTUP 80 Error at startup of the axis group SMC_RAG_ERROR_AXIS_NOT_INITIALIZED 81 The axis is not yet in the required state. SMC_PP_WRONG_AXIS_TYPE 85 The function block does not support virtual or logical axes. SMC_PP_NUMBER_OF_ABSOLUTE_BITS_INVALID 86 The number of absolute bits is invalid, must be in the range 8 .. 32. SMC_NEGATIVE_MODULO_PERIOD 87 The modulo period is negative, this is not supported. SMC_CGR_ZERO_VALUES 90 The value zero is invalid for iRatioTechUnitsNum and dwRatioTechUnitsDenom. SMC_CGR_DRIVE_POWERED 91 Gearing parameters must not be changed as long as the drive is under control. SMC_CGR_INVALID_POSPERIOD 92 Invalid modulo period (<= 0 or greater than half the bus bandwidth) SMC_CGR_POSPERIOD_NOT_INTEGRAL 93 The modulo period in increments is not an integer, but the modulo-handling is done by the drive. SMC_FRACTION_TECH_UNITS_INVALID 94 The fraction describing the conversion between increments and technical units is not initialized properly. (Zero numerator or denumerator.) SMC_P_FTASKCYCLE_EMPTY 110 Axis contain no information on cycle time (fTaskCycle = 0). SMC_R_NO_ERROR_TO_RESET 120 Axis without error SMC_R_DRIVE_DOESNT_ANSWER 121 Axis does not perform error-reset. SMC_R_ERROR_NOT_RESETTABLE 122 Error could not be reset. SMC_R_DRIVE_DOESNT_ANSWER_IN_TIME 123 Communication with the axis did not work. SMC_R_CANNOT_RESET_COMMUNICATION_ERROR 124 If there is communication error, it cannot be reset SMC_RP_PARAM_UNKNOWN 130 Parameter number unknown SMC_RP_REQUESTING_ERROR 131 Error during transmission to the drives. See error number in function block instance ReadDriveParameter . SMC_RP_DRIVE_PARAMETER_NOT_MAPPED 132 No assignment for drive parameters available SMC_RP_PARAM_CONVERSION_ERROR 133 Conversion of the value to / from the drive parameters failed. Unknown SoftMotion parameters SMC_WP_PARAM_INVALID 140 Parameter number unknown or writing not allowed SMC_WP_SENDING_ERROR 141 See error number in function block instance WriteDriveParameter SMC_WP_DRIVE_PARAMETER_NOT_MAPPED 142 No assignment for drive parameters available SMC_WP_PARAM_CONVERSION_ERROR 143 Conversion of the value to / from the drive parameters failed Unknown SoftMotion parameters SMC_H_AXIS_WASNT_STANDSTILL 170 Axis was not in standstill state. SMC_H_AXIS_DIDNT_START_HOMING 171 Drive did not start homing. SMC_H_AXIS_DIDNT_ANSWER 172 Drive did not reply, when homing was done. SMC_H_ERROR_WHEN_STOPPING 173 Error at stop after homing. Deceleration may not be set. SMC_H_AXIS_IN_ERRORSTOP 174 Drive is in errorstop status. Homing cannot be executed. SMC_MS_UNKNOWN_STOPPING_ERROR 180 Unknown error at stop SMC_MS_INVALID_ACCDEC_VALUES 181 Invalid velocity, acceleration, deceleration, or jerk values SMC_MS_DIRECTION_NOT_APPLICABLE 182 Direction = shortest not applicable SMC_MS_AXIS_IN_ERRORSTOP 183 Drive is in errorstop status. Stop cannot be executed SMC_BLOCKING_MC_STOP_WASNT_CALLED 184 Instance of MC_Stop blocking the axis by Execute = TRUE has not been called yet. MC_Stop ( Execute = FALSE ) has to be called. SMC_MS_AXIS_ALREADY_STOPPING 185 Cannot interrupt an ongoing MC_Stop SMC_UNKNOWN_TASK_INTERVAL 200 The task interval of the bus task could not be determined. SMC_MA_INVALID_VELACC_VALUES 201 Invalid velocity or acceleration values SMC_MA_INVALID_DIRECTION 202 Direction error SMC_MR_INVALID_VELACC_VALUES 226 Invalid velocity or acceleration values SMC_MR_INVALID_DIRECTION 227 Direction error SMC_OVR_INVALID_OVERRIDE_FACTORS 231 Invalid velocity, acceleration or jerk override factor SMC_INVALID_AXIS_FORECAST 235 Invalid (either negative or too large) axis forecast SMC_AXIS_FORECAST_NOT_SUPPORTED 236 Axis does not support setting a forecast SMC_MAD_INVALID_VELACC_VALUES 251 Invalid velocity or acceleration values SMC_MAD_INVALID_DIRECTION 252 Direction error SMC_MSI_INVALID_VELACC_VALUES 276 Invalid velocity, acceleration, deceleration, or jerk values SMC_MSI_INVALID_DIRECTION 277 Direction error SMC_MSI_INVALID_EXECUTION_ORDER 278 Except from aborting, don’t call a major mvt-FB after SMC_MoveSuperimposed SMC_LOGICAL_NO_REAL_AXIS 300 No longer used; only for compatibility SMC_MV_INVALID_ACCDEC_VALUES 301 Invalid velocity, acceleration, deceleration, or jerk values SMC_MV_DIRECTION_NOT_APPLICABLE 302 Direction = shortest / fastest not applicable SMC_PP_ARRAYSIZE 325 Erroneous array size SMC_PP_STEP0MS 326 Step time = t#0s SMC_VP_ARRAYSIZE 350 Erroneous array size SMC_VP_STEP0MS 351 Step time = t#0s SMC_AP_ARRAYSIZE 375 Erroneous array size SMC_AP_STEP0MS 376 Step time = t#0s SMC_TP_TRIGGEROCCUPIED 400 Trigger already active SMC_TP_COULDNT_SET_WINDOW 401 DriveInterface does not support the window function. SMC_TP_COMM_ERROR 402 Communication error SMC_TRIGGER_OUT_OF_RANGE 403 The trigger number is not in the allowed range. SMC_LATCH_IN_CONTROLLER_NOT_SUPPORTED 404 The mode latch in controller got deprecated and is not supported anymore. SMC_AT_TRIGGERNOTOCCUPIED 410 Trigger already de-allocated SMC_MCR_INVALID_VELACC_VALUES 426 Invalid velocity, acceleration, deceleration, or jerk values SMC_MCR_INVALID_DIRECTION 427 Invalid direction SMC_MCA_INVALID_VELACC_VALUES 451 Invalid velocity, acceleration, deceleration, or jerk values SMC_MCA_INVALID_DIRECTION 452 Invalid direction SMC_MCA_DIRECTION_NOT_APPLICABLE 453 Direction = fastest not applicable SMC_SDL_INVALID_AXIS_STATE 475 SMC_ChangeDynamicLimits may only be called in state standstill. or power_off. SMC_SDL_INVALID_VELACC_VALUES 476 Invalid velocity, acceleration, deceleration, or jerk values SMC_SACF_INVALID_DYNAMIC_FACTOR 480 SMC_SetAdditionalConversionFactors: One of the factors has an invalid value. SMC_INVALID_VELACCJERK_VALUES 501 Invalid Velocity , Acceleration , Deceleration , or Jerk values SMC_INVALID_DIRECTION 502 Invalid Direction SMC_CR_NO_TAPPETS_IN_CAM 600 Cam does not contain any tappets. SMC_CR_TOO_MANY_TAPPETS 601 Tappet group ID exceeds MAX_NUM_TAPPETS SMC_CR_MORE_THAN_32_ACCESSES 602 More than 32 accesses on one CAM_REF SMC_CI_NO_CAM_SELECTED 625 No cam selected SMC_CI_MASTER_OUT_OF_SCALE 626 Master axis out of valid range SMC_CI_RAMPIN_NEEDS_VELACC_VALUES 627 Velocity and acceleration values must be specified for ramp_in function SMC_CI_SCALING_INCORRECT 628 Scaling variables fEditor / TableMasterMin/Max are not correct SMC_CI_TOO_MANY_TAPPETS_PER_CYCLE 629 Too many tappets became active during one cycle SMC_CI_MORE_THAN_32_ACCESSES 630 More than 32 accesses on one CAM_REF SMC_CI_MASTER_SYNC_POSITION_OUT_OF_SCALE 631 MasterSyncPosition out of valid range SMC_CI_AVOID_REVERSAL_FOR_FINITE_AXIS 632 Input AvoidReversal must not be set for finite slave axes. SMC_CI_MASTERSTARTDISTANCE_MUST_BE_ZERO_BUFFERED 633 If BufferMode is not Aborting, then MasterStartDistance must not be positive. SMC_CI_CAM_CHANGED_DURING_RAMP_IN_DIST 634 The input CamTableId changed while ramping in with start mode ramp_in_dist SMC_CB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 640 Function block for the given cam format is not implemented SMC_GI_RATIO_DENOM 675 RatioDenominator = 0 SMC_GI_INVALID_ACC 676 Acceleration invalid SMC_GI_INVALID_DEC 677 Deceleration invalid SMC_GI_MASTER_REGULATOR_CHANGED 678 Master changed regulator state (on -> off or off -> on) while coupling with slave was active. SMC_GI_INVALID_JERK 679 Jerk invalid SMC_PH_INVALID_VELACCDEC 725 Velocity and acceleration / deceleration values invalid SMC_PH_ROTARYAXIS_PERIOD0 726 Rotation axis with fPositionPeriod = 0 SMC_MASTER_REGULATOR_CHANGED 727 Master changed regulator state (on -> off or off -> on) while coupling with slave was active. SMC_NO_CAM_REF_TYPE 750 Type of given cam is not MC_CAM_REF. SMC_CAM_TABLE_DOES_NOT_COVER_MASTER_SCALE 751 Master area, xStart and xEnd , from CamTable is not covered by curve data. SMC_CAM_TABLE_EMPTY_MASTER_RANGE 752 Cam data table has empty master range. SMC_CAM_TABLE_INVALID_MASTER_MINMAX 753 Cam data master has invalid max-, min-values. SMC_CAM_TABLE_INVALID_SLAVE_MINMAX 754 Cam data slave has invalid max-, min-values. SMC_CAM_INVALID_ELEMENT_COUNT 755 The element count of the cam must be > 0. SMC_CAM_UNKNOWN_SEGMENT_TYPE 756 Unknown cam segment type encountered. SMC_GIP_MASTER_DIRECTION_CHANGE 775 Obsolete: During coupling of slave axis, master axis has changed direction of rotation. SMC_GIP_SLAVE_REVERSAL_CANNOT_BE_AVOIDED 776 Obsolete: Input AvoidReversal is set, but slave reversal cannot be avoided. SMC_GIP_AVOID_REVERSAL_FOR_FINITE_AXIS 777 Input AvoidReversal must not be set for finite slave axes. SMC_GIP_MASTERSTARTDISTANCE_MUST_BE_ZERO_BUFFERED 778 If BufferMode is not Aborting, then MasterStartDistance must not be positive. SMC_GIP_CANNOT_START_SYNC 779 The synchronisation cannot be started. This can happen when GearInPos is commanded as a buffered or blending movement and the master is in standstill when it becomes active. SMC_RAMP_IN_MASTER_DIRECTION_CHANGED 780 During coupling of slave axis, master axis has changed direction of rotation. SMC_RAMP_IN_SLAVE_REVERSAL_CANNOT_BE_AVOIDED 781 Input AvoidReversal is set, but slave reversal cannot be avoided. SMC_BC_BL_TOO_BIG 800 Gear backlash fBacklash too large (> position periode/2) SMC_QPROF_DIVERGES 825 Internal error: computation of quadratic trajectory failed SMC_QPROF_INVALID_PARAMETER 826 Internal error: computation of quadratic trajectory failed SMC_QPROF_NO_RESULT 827 Internal error: computation of quadratic trajectory failed SMC_QPROF_INVALID_NEW_LBD 828 Internal error: computation of quadratic trajectory failed SMC_QPROF_BAD_NEGOTIATION 829 Internal error: computation of quadratic trajectory failed SMC_QPROF_INVALID_INTERVAL 830 Internal error: computation of quadratic trajectory failed SMC_QPROF_NOT_ENOUGH_PHASES 831 Internal error: computation of quadratic trajectory failed SMC_TG_INTERNAL_ERROR 832 Internal error: computation of quadratic trajectory failed SMC_SRT_NOT_STANDSTILL_OR_POWEROFF 850 Action only permitted in standstill or power_off . SMC_SRT_INVALID_RAMPTYPE 851 Invalid ramp type SMC_SMT_NOT_STANDSTILL_OR_POWEROFF 852 Action only permitted in standstill or power_off . SMC_SMT_INVALID_MOVEMENTTYPE_OR_POSITIONPERIOD 853 Invalid motion type or position period SMC_SMT_AXIS_NOT_VIRTUAL 854 Function block only applicable to virtual axis. SMC_NO_LICENSE 1000 Target is not licensed for CNC. SMC_INT_VEL_ZERO 1001 Path cannot be processed because set velocity = 0 . SMC_INT_NO_STOP_AT_END 1002 Last object of path has end velocity <> 0. SMC_INT_DATA_UNDERRUN 1003 Warning: GEOINFO-List processed in DataIn but end of list not reached. Reason: EndOfList of the queue in DataIn not be set SMC_Interpolator faster than path generating function blocks SMC_INT_VEL_NONZERO_AT_STOP 1004 Velocity at Stop > 0 SMC_INT_TOO_MANY_RECURSIONS 1005 Too much SMC_Interpolator recursions. SoftMotion error SMC_INT_NO_CHECKVELOCITIES 1006 SMC_CheckVelocities is not the last processed function block, that accesses to the OutQueue-data by poqDataIn . SMC_INT_PATH_EXCEEDED 1007 Internal or numeric error SMC_INT_VEL_ACC_DEC_ZERO 1008 Velocity and acceleration / deceleration is null or to low SMC_INT_DWIPOTIME_ZERO 1009 FB called with dwIpoTime = 0 SMC_INT_JERK_NONPOSITIVE 1010 Jerk invalid because jerk must be positive SMC_INT_QPROF_DIVERGES 1011 Internal error. Computation of the quadratic velocity profile does not converge. SMC_INT_INVLALID_VELOCITY_MODE 1012 Invalid velocity mode SMC_INT_TOO_MANY_AXES_INTERPOLATED 1013 More than the allowed number of axes has been interpolated. You are using a restricted version. SMC_INT_DEGENERATE_SEGMENT 1014 The segment is numerically degenerate: It is very short and at the end of the queue. It should be ignored. SMC_HIGH_CURVATURE_SPLINE 1015 Computation of interpolation point failed because the curvature of the spline is too high. Try changing the path to avoid sharp corners. SMC_INT2DIR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 1050 Warning: poqDataIn of OutQueue is created too small. Adherence of stops not guaranteed. SMC_INT2DIR_PATH_FITS_NOT_IN_QUEUE 1051 Path does not go completely in queue. SMC_XINT_INVALID_DIRECTION 1070 Direction input has an invalid value. SMC_XINT_NOINTERSECTION 1071 Could not determine position on CNC path for the given x-position. SMC_WAR_INT_OUTQUEUE_TOO_SMALL 1080 Warning: poqDataIn of OutQueue is created too small. Adherence of stops not guaranteed SMC_WAR_END_VELOCITIES_INCORRECT 1081 Warning: Final velocities inconsistent SMC_CV_ACC_DEC_VEL_NONPOSITIVE 1100 Invalid velocity, acceleration, deceleration, or jerk values SMC_CA_INVALID_ACCDEC_VALUES 1120 Invalid velocity, acceleration, deceleration, or jerk values SMC_TOK_INCOMPLETE_TOKEN_AT_END_OF_INPUT 1130 The input has been exhausted, but there is still an unfinished token SMC_TOK_NOT_A_VALID_TOKEN 1131 The input does not match any token type SMC_TOK_AMBIGUOUS_INPUT 1132 The input is ambiguous, it could be more than one token type SMC_TOK_STRING_TOO_LONG_FOR_TOKEN 1133 The string is too long to be stored in a token. (Too long string literal, variable name or identifier?) SMC_TOK_INVALID_NUMLIT 1134 Invalid number literal. SMC_PRS_FUNC_DECL_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS 1150 Too less arguments provided for function inside G-Code SMC_PRS_FUNC_DECL_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS 1151 Too many arguments provided for function inside G-Code SMC_PRS_FUNC_DECL_WRONG_ARGUMENT_TYPE 1152 Check of argument types matching function declaration returned error SMC_PRS_LOCAL_VAR_NOT_FOUND 1153 Could not find local variable on stack SMC_PRS_INVALID_STRING 1154 Could not read string from token SMC_PRS_TOO_MANY_CLOSING_BRACKETS 1155 Got more closing than opening brackets SMC_PRS_TOO_MANY_OPENING_BRACKETS 1156 Got more opening than closing brackets SMC_PRS_NO_SUCH_INFIX_OPERATOR 1157 Did not find infix-operator SMC_PRS_NO_SUCH_PREFIX_OPERATOR 1158 Did not find prefix-operator SMC_PRS_OPERATOR_INVALID_PRECEDENCE 1159 Got two operators with equal precedence but non-equal associativity SMC_PRS_NOT_A_TERM 1160 Expected a valid term SMC_PRS_EXPRESSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE 1161 Found invalid sequence of tokens inside expression SMC_PRS_TOO_MANY_TERMS 1162 Got more terms than expected SMC_PRS_STACK_OVERFLOW 1163 Could not parse an expression because the stack is too small SMC_PRS_VAR_NAME_ALREADY_USED 1164 The name of a subprogram parameter or variable is already used for a different subprogram parameter or variable. SMC_PRS_INCOMPLETE_SENTENCE_IN_TOKEN_QUEUE 1165 The input token queue of the g-code parser does not hold a complete g-code sentence. SMC_PRS_TOO_MANY_SUBPROGRAMS 1167 The subprogram declaration could not be stored because the symbol table capacity has been exceeded. SMC_PRS_TOO_MANY_SUBPROGRAM_PARAMETERS 1168 The maximum number of subprogram parameters has been exceeded. SMC_PRS_SUBPROGRAM_LOOKUP_FAILED 1169 The lookup of the subprogram declaration failed. Maybe the subprogram name is incorrect, or the search path for subprograms is incomplete. Is the file name all lower case? SMC_PRS_VAR_NOT_FOUND 1170 Did not find variable in symbol table SMC_PRS_TOKEN_TYPE_UNKNOWN 1171 Token type unknown SMC_PRS_GOT_NO_TERM 1172 No term after G-address SMC_PRS_INVALID_VAR_TYPE 1173 Unknown variable type (not LREAL, BOOL, or STRING). SMC_PRS_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN 1174 A token of a different type (e.g. an operator or identifier) was expected here. SMC_PRS_ID3_EXPECTED 1175 An identifier with length three or longer was expected here. SMC_PRS_ID_TOO_LONG 1176 The identifier is too long (more than 80 characters). SMC_PRS_GADDRESS_EXPECTED 1177 A G-address (such as ‘G’, ‘F’, ‘X’) was expected here. SMC_PRS_NWORD_EXPECTED 1178 An N-word (such as ‘N10’) was expected here. SMC_PRS_NWORD_INVALID_SENTENCE_NUMBER 1179 The sentence number is not in the range [0, …, 16#FFFFFFFF]. SMC_PRS_NWORD_SENTENCE_NUMBER_NO_NUMBER_LITERAL 1180 The sentence number must be a number literal. (For example, expressions are not allowed.) SMC_PRS_USE_OF_RESERVED_KEYWORD 1181 The identifier is a keyword reserved for future use that cannot be used here. SMC_PRS_SUBPROGRAMS_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH 1182 The subprogram declaration has already been read with a different signature or an error. SMC_PRS_INITIAL_VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE 1183 The initial value has the wrong type for this local variable SMC_PRS_TOO_MANY_LOCAL_VARIABLES 1184 The maximum number of subprogram parameters has been exceeded. SMC_PRS_SUBPROG_MUST_BE_FIRST_SENTENCE 1185 A subprogram declaration must be the first sentence in a g-code file. SMC_PRS_ONLY_ONE_SUBPROGRAM_PER_FILE_ALLOWED 1186 Only one subprogram is allowed in a g-code file. SMC_PRS_LET_AFTER_REGULAR_SENTENCE 1187 A LET declaration is not allowed after a regular g-code sentence. SMC_PRS_UNMATCHED_END_SUBPROGRAM 1188 The END_SUBPROGRAM sentence is not matched by a subprogram declaration. SMC_PRS_UNEXPECTED_TOKENS_AFTER_SUBPROGRAM 1189 After END_SUBPROGRAM, no more tokens are allowed. SMC_PRS_MISSING_END_SUBPROGRAM 1190 A subprogram is not terminated by END_SUBPROGRAM. SMC_PRS_USE_OF_KEYWORD 1191 The identifier is a keyword that cannot be used here. SMC_PRS_DYNCALL_EXPECTED_SUBNAME_EXP 1192 The first argument to a DYNCALL must be an expression for the subprogram name. SMC_PRS_DYNCALL_EXPECTED_SUBNAME_TYPE_STRING 1193 The first argument to a DYNCALL (subprogram name) must have type STRING. SMC_DEC_ACC_TOO_LITTLE 1200 Acceleration value impermissible SMC_DEC_RET_TOO_LITTLE 1201 Deceleration value impermissible SMC_DEC_OUTQUEUE_RAN_EMPTY 1202 Data underrun. Queue has been read and is empty. SMC_DEC_JUMP_TO_UNKNOWN_LINE 1203 Jump to line cannot be executed because line number is unknown. SMC_DEC_INVALID_SYNTAX 1204 Syntax invalid SMC_DEC_3DMODE_OBJECT_NOT_SUPPORTED 1205 Objects are not supported in 3D mode. SMC_DEC_NEGATIVE_PERIOD 1206 Negative value as a period of additional axes invalid SMC_DEC_DIMENSIONS_EXCLUSIVE_AU 1207 Not both axes A and U are interpolated. PA and PU are mutually exclusive. SMC_DEC_DIMENSIONS_EXCLUSIVE_BV 1208 Not both axes B and V are interpolated. PB and PV are mutually exclusive. SMC_DEC_DIMENSIONS_EXCLUSIVE_CW 1209 Not both axes C and W are interpolated. PC and PW are mutually exclusive. SMC_DEC_DCS_NOT_ALL_OF_ABC_GIVEN 1210 For G54/G55/G56, either all of A,B,C or none must be given if orientation mode is not equal to SMC_ORI_CONVENTION.ADDAXES. SMC_DEC_DCS_2D_NOT_IN_XY_PLANE 1211 The z-axis of the decoder CS must be equal to the z-axis of the machine CS. SMC_DEC_CIRCLE_NON_UNIFORM_SCALING 1212 Scaling would distort commanded circle or ellipse. SMC_DEC_ROTATION_AFFECTS_SCALING 1213 New relative rotation of the DCS (G55) would affect the scaling SMC_DEC_DCS_NOT_ALL_OF_IJK_GIVEN 1214 For G54/G55/G56, either all of I,J,K or none must be given. SMC_IPR_LOCAL_VAR_UNKNOWN_TYPE 1250 Local variable cannot be read due to invalid type SMC_IPR_LVALUE_WRONG_TYPE 1251 The variable that’s supposed to be written on does not have the correct type. SMC_IPR_EVAL_STACK_OVERFLOW 1252 Could not evaluate an expression because the evaluation stack is too small SMC_IPR_NOT_A_NUMBER 1253 Numeric term became NaN SMC_IPR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO 1254 Division by zero SMC_IPR_INVALID_SCALING_FACTORS 1255 Invalid scaling factors SMC_IPR_INTERPRETER_STACK_IMBALANCE 1256 On subprogram return, the interpreter stack ran empty. Internal error. SMC_IPR_INTERPRETER_STACK_OVERFLOW 1257 The interpreter stack is too small. Too many local variables in the g-code or too many subprograms active. SMC_IPR_INVALID_INTERPRETER_STACK_BUFFER 1258 The given buffer for the interpreter stack is either 0 or smaller than 1024 bytes. SMC_IPR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 1259 The buffer for the outqueue is too small. SMC_DNCCS_NO_DATA 1280 No data available at all SMC_DNCCS_TOO_MANY_CALLSTACKS 1281 Too many different callstacks between current state of interpreter and iObjNo SMC_DNCCS_INVALID_PROGRAM_INDEX 1282 Invalid program index SMC_DNCCS_TOO_MANY_PROGRAMS 1283 Too many different programs SMC_DNCCS_WRONG_TASK 1284 FB called in wrong task SMC_GCV_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 1300 Buffer too small SMC_GCV_BUFFER_WRONG_TYPE 1301 Buffer elements have wrong type. SMC_GCV_UNKNOWN_IPO_LINE 1302 Current line of the Interpolator could not be found. SMC_CNC_INTERNAL_ERROR 1400 Internal error in CNC SMC_PATH_MAX_HPOINTS_EXCEEDED 1401 The path element cannot hold H Switch points more than MAX_IPOSWITCHES. Adjust the switching points with different ‘O’ values or reduce the number of H points per path element. SMC_TRC_G75_NOT_ALLOWED 1410 G75 not allowed during tool radius correction SMC_TRC_QUEUE_FULL_NON_CARTESIAN 1411 Queue full, but no further cartesian element SMC_TRC_SPLINE3D_5_NOT_SUPPORTED 1412 Tool radius correction does not support movement type SPLINE3D_5 SMC_TRC_ELLIPSES_NOT_SUPPORTED 1413 Tool radius correction does not support ellipses SMC_TRC_PLANE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED 1414 Plane change not allowed during tool radius correction SMC_CNC_INVALID_GEOINFO 1415 An invalid path element has been created, probably due to invalid input values (too large tool radius or similar) SMC_CNC_CANNOT_APPEND_TO_OUTQUEUE 1416 A path element could not be appended to the out queue. Internal error of a path preprocessing function block. SMC_AL_ELLIPSES_NOT_SUPPORTED 1430 Avoid loops does not support ellipses SMC_NAV_MAX_SUBPROGRAM_NESTING_EXCEEDED 1450 The maximum nesting level for subprogram calls has been exceeded. SMC_NAV_RETURN_FROM_MAIN 1451 A return statement from the main g-code program is not allowed. SMC_NAV_SUBPROGRAM_DECLARATION_NOT_FOUND 1452 The declaration of a subprogram has not been found in the subprogram CNC file. SMC_NAV_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_FOR_COMPLETE_SENTENCE 1453 The next g-code sentence could not be added to the output sentence queue because there was not enough space left. SMC_NO_CNC_REF_TYPE 1500 Given CNC program is not of type SMC_CNC_REF SMC_NO_OUTQUEUE_TYPE 1501 Given OutQueue is not of type SMC_OUTQUEUE SMC_GEOINFO_BUFFER_MISALIGNED 1502 4-byte aligned buffer part is not used in pbyBuffer SMC_3D_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED 1600 Function block only works with 2D paths. SMC_SAA_SMOOTHAREA_TOO_LARGE 1700 Range for smoothing too large SMC_SAA_SP_INVALID_INPUT 1701 Invalid input dSmoothingPart ]0..1] SMC_SA_QUEUE_NOT_IN_BUFFER 1800 SMC_SegmentAnalyzer detects that OutQueue buffer is full but not completed. The function block can only operate when OutQueue fits the buffer completely. SMC_SA_QUEUE_CHANGED_DURING_OP 1801 OutQueue buffer changed while the function block is operating on them. SMC_OS_INVALID_PARAMETER 1820 Invalid input value in dSplittingParameter SMC_BSSP_IPO_NOT_ACTIVE 1830 Position cannot be saved. Interpolator is inactive SMC_BS_SAVEDPOS_NOT_REACHED 1831 Saved position has not been found so far. It is probably on a different path. SMC_BS_NO_POS_STORED 1832 Structure passed in ePos contains no saved position. SMC_BlockSearchSavePos is not executed or in a wrong way. SMC_INVALID_FEATURE_FLAG 1900 Feature flag must be in the range {1, .., 31}. SMC_SMB_HFUN_NOT_SUPPORTED 1901 Function block does not support h-functions. SMC_SMB_ONLY_3DMODE 1902 Function block only works in 3D-Mode. SMC_SMB_ERROR_COMPUTING_SPLINE 1903 Internal error computing the spline. SMC_SMM_INVALID_PARAM_NUMBER 1910 wAdditionalParameter is too big SMC_INVALID_PARAMETER 1950 The value of one of the inputs is invalid. SMC_BLENDING_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_PREVIOUS_MOVEMENT 1951 The previous movement does not support blending. SMC_BUFFERED_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_PREVIOUS_MOVEMENT 1952 The previous movement does not support buffered movements. SMC_INHERIT_OWNER_ACTIVE_MOVEMENT_NOT_CALLED 1953 Cannot inherit owner because the active movement has not been not called yet in this cycle. Internal error. SMC_MOVING_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_MOVEMENT 1954 The axis is moving but there is no active movement function block. Missing follow-up movement after movement that does not end in standstill? SMC_BUFFER_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED 1955 The configured BufferMode is not supported by the commanded movement. SMC_ERROR_IN_A_PREVIOUS_MOVEMENT 1956 An error occured in a previous movement. SMC_MORE_THAN_ONE_MOVEMENT_PER_INSTANCE 1957 Only one busy buffered/blending movement per FB instance is allowed. SMC_SUPERIMPOSED_FB_WASNT_CALLED 1958 A superimposed FB (MC_MoveSuperimposed or MC_HaltSuperimposed) that controlled the superimposed movement has not been called in this task cycle. SMC_RNCF_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST 2000 File does not exist SMC_RNCF_NO_BUFFER 2001 No buffer allocated SMC_RNCF_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 2002 Buffer too small SMC_RNCF_DATA_UNDERRUN 2003 Data underrun. Buffer has been read, is empty. SMC_RNCF_VAR_COULDNT_BE_REPLACED 2004 Placeholder variable could not be replaced. SMC_RNCF_NOT_VARLIST 2005 Input pvl does not point to a SMC_VARLIST object. SMC_RNCF_NO_STRINGBUFFER 2006 Input pStringBuffer is not used or does not point to a variable of type SMC_StringBuffer SMC_RNCF_STRINGBUFFER_OVERRUN 2007 In the CNC program more different strings are used than the string buffer can hold. SMC_RNCF_SUBPROGRAM_FILE_NOT_FOUND 2008 The file for a subprogram could not be found. SMC_RNCF_FILE_CANNOT_DETERMINE_SIZE 2009 The file size could not be determined. SMC_RNCQ_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST 2050 File could not be opened. SMC_RNCQ_NO_BUFFER 2051 No buffer defined SMC_RNCQ_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 2052 Buffer too small SMC_RNCQ_UNEXPECTED_EOF 2053 Unexpected end of file SMC_ADL_FILE_CANNOT_BE_OPENED 2100 File could not be opened SMC_ADL_BUFFER_OVERRUN 2101 Buffer overrun. WriteToFile must be called more frequently. SMC_RCAM_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST 2200 File could not be opened. SMC_RCAM_TOO_MUCH_DATA 2201 Saved cam too big SMC_RCAM_WRONG_COMPILE_TYPE 2202 Wrong compilation mode SMC_RCAM_WRONG_VERSION 2203 File has wrong version SMC_RCAM_UNEXPECTED_EOF 2204 Unexpected end of file SMC_RCAM_WRITE_ERROR 2205 Error writing to the cam file SMC_RCAM_READ_ERROR 2206 Error reading from the cam file SMC_WDPF_CHANNEL_OCCUPIED 3001 This error is obsolete and is maintained only for compatibility. SMC_WDPF_TIMEOUT_PREPARING_LIST SMC_WDPF_CANNOT_CREATE_FILE 3002 This error is obsolete and is maintained only for compatibility. File could not be created. SMC_WDPF_ERROR_WHEN_READING_PARAMS 3003 This error is obsolete and is maintained only for compatibility. Error at reading the parameters. SMC_WDPF_TIMEOUT_PREPARING_LIST 3004 This error is obsolete and is maintained only for compatibility. Timeout during preparing the parameter list. SMC_ENC_DENOM_ZERO 5000 Nominator of the conversion factor dwRatioTechUnitsDenom of the Encoder reference is 0 SMC_ENC_AXISUSEDBYOTHERFB 5001 Other module trying to process motion on the Encoder axis SMC_ENC_FILTER_DEPTH_INVALID 5002 Filter depth is invalid SMC_INTERNAL_ERROR_INIT_MOVEMENT 6000 An internal error occurred during initialization of a new movement. SMC_INVALID_AXIS_TYPE 6001 Invalid axis type, not finite or modulo (internal error) SMC_PCCQ_POINTBUFFERTOOSMALL 10000 Buffer pBuffer too small SMC_PCCQ_INPUTBUFFERFULLBUTNOTFINALIZED 10001 The function block must be applied to a path that fits completely in the buffer. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_WRONG_STATE 11000 The axis group is in the wrong state for the requested operation. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_TOO_MANY_AXES 11001 More than the maximum allowed number of axes has been added to an axis group. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_INVALID_DYNLIMITS 11002 The dynamic limits of a single axis are invalid. (fSWMaxVelocity/Acceleration/Deceleration/Jerk) SMC_AXIS_GROUP_INVALID_COORD_SYSTEM 11004 The given coordinate system is invalid for the requested operation SMC_AXIS_GROUP_SINGLE_AXIS_ERROR 11005 An axis of the axis group is in state error SMC_MOVE_INVALID_BUFFER_MODE 11006 The given buffer mode is not supported SMC_MOVE_INVALID_DYNAMIC_FACTOR 11007 The dynamic factor is not in the range ]0 .. 1] SMC_MOVE_INVALID_DYNAMICS 11008 The dynamic limits for the movement are invalid. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_AXIS_NOT_PART_OF_GROUP 11009 The given axis is not part of the axis group. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_NOT_SUPPORTED 11010 The requested operation is not supported SMC_AXIS_GROUP_KINEMATICS_NOT_SET 11011 No kinematic configuration has been configured. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_AXES 11012 The number of axes is not equal to the number of axes needed by the kinematic transformation SMC_AXIS_GROUP_INTERRUPTED_BY_SINGLE_AXIS 11013 A coordinated movement has been interrupted by a single axis movement. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_FOLLOW_SETVALUES 11014 An error in an axis of the axis group occurred while following the computed set values. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_TOO_MANY_DEPENDENCIES 11015 An axis group cannot depend on more than one master axis group. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_MUTUAL_DEPENDENCY 11016 An axis group A may not depend on another axis group that depends on A. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_DEPENDENCY_IN_DIFFERENT_TASK 11017 A dependant axis group must be executed in the same task. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_AXIS_IN_DIFFERENT_TASK 11018 An axis belonging to an axis group must be executed in the same task. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_PCS_STILL_IN_USE 11019 A second activation of the function block occurred while the PCS was still used by buffered motion commands. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_CMD_ABORTED_DUE_TO_ERROR 11020 An error ocurred in a previous motion command. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_INVALID_PARAMETER 11021 A parameter of an administrative function block is invalid. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_UNSUPPORTED_RAMPTYPE 11022 One of the axes of the group uses an unsupported ramp type. Only trapez and quadratic are supported. SMC_MOVE_INVALID_TRANSITION_PARAMETER 11023 invalid transition parameter SMC_AXIS_GROUP_CPTR_CANNOT_FOLLOW 11025 CP-Tracking: Cannot keep the path; try to reduce the dynamics on the path and / or the dynamics when entering CP-Tracking. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_CONTINUE_WRONG_POSITION 11026 Current position does not allow continuation. When continuing in a dynamic coordinate system (e.g. in a PCS that is following a rotary table), this error might be caused by not having used SMC_GroupUpdateContinueData. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_CONTINUE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 11027 Buffer in continueData is too small; big external movement-queue-buffer in use. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_CONTINUE_WRONG_CHECKSUM 11028 The checksum stored in the continue data is wrong. The continue data either was not written by MC_GroupInterrupt, or was modified afterwards. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_IDLE_WAIT_AXES_MOVING 11029 Commanded SMC_GroupWait while axes were moving independently from the axis group (single axis movement or similar). SMC_AXIS_INVERSE_TRAFO_EXCEEDING_POSLIMITS 11030 Inverse transformation lead to axis values exceeding the configured limits. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_CANNOT_ADD_SAME_AXIS 11031 Prohibit adding the same axis to an axis group twice SMC_AXIS_GROUP_TRANSFORMATION_NOT_SET 11032 No transformation is set. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_NON_RESUMABLE_ERROR 11033 The path cannot be resumed after the current axis group error. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_CONTINUE_DATA_NOT_WRITTEN 11034 The continue data for MC_GroupContinue has not been written correctly. (MC_GroupInterrupt not called / non-resumable axis group error) SMC_AXIS_GROUP_INVALID_INTERRUPT_POSITION 11036 The commanded interrupt position is invalid. SMC_RELATIVE_MOVEMENT_TRACKING_CS 11037 The commanded relative movement is not supported. Its start position (end position of preceding movement) and distance are given in two different coordinate systems (CS) with at least one being dynamic SMC_RELATIVE_MOVEMENT_ABORTING_TRACKING 11038 The commanded relative movement is not supported. It is Aborting and aborts a - track-in (from a static CS to a dynamic CS), - track-out (from a dynamic CS to a static CS) or - re-track (from a dynamic CS to another dynamic CS) movement. SMC_CIRCULAR_MOVEMENT_TRACKING_CS 11039 The commanded circular movement is not supported. Its start position (end position of preceding movement) and target position are given in two different coordinate systems (CS) with at least one being dynamic. SMC_CIRCULAR_MOVEMENT_ABORTING_TRACKING_CS 11040 The commanded aborting circular movement is not supported. Its start position (current position) and target position are given in two different coordinate systems (CS) with at least one being dynamic, or the aborted movement is PTP tracking. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_CONTINUE_POSITION_WRONG_CHECKSUM 11041 The checksum of the continue position is wrong. The continue position either was not written by MC_GroupInterrupt, was modified afterwards, or an online change was executed when the continue position was still in use. Please note: The checksum is only checked when the continue position cannot be expressed as a constant value, because it changes with time (e.g. when a track in movement should be continued). SMC_CIRCULAR_TRACKING_TOOL_CHANGE_NOT_SUPPORTED 11042 A circular movement with a tool change is only supported in a static coordinate system. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_COULD_NOT_WRITE_CONTINUE_DATA 11043 Continue data could not be written. This can happen when trying to write continue data while moving to another continue position. SMC_MODULO_AXIS_FOR_NON_ROTARY_JOINT 11044 A modulo axis is not allowed for joints of the kinematics that are not rotary. SMC_MODULO_AXIS_FOR_LIMITED_ROTARY_JOINT 11045 A modulo axis is not allowed for rotary joints that have a limited range. (The range comes from the kinematic transformation.) SMC_MODULO_AXIS_PERIOD_NOT_360 11046 A modulo axis for a rotary joint must have modulo period 360. SMC_FB_WASNT_CALLED_DURING_EXECUTION 11047 The FB was not called for at least one cycle SMC_NO_EVALUATION_POSSIBLE_FOR_TIME_OFFSET 11048 The value could not be evaluated for the given time offset. SMC_INVALID_SOURCE_TYPE_FOR_TIME_OFFSET 11049 Values with time offset can only be evaluated for source type set. SMC_INVALID_TIME_OFFSET 11050 Invalid time offset. Must be >=0. SMC_TIME_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE 11051 The time offset is too large (larger than the forecast duration, see SMC_TuneCPKernel.fPlanningForecastDuration). SMC_KERNEL_PTP_INTERNAL_ERROR 11100 Internal error in the kernel SMC_KERNEL_PTP_INVALID_TASKCYCLETIME 11101 Task cycle time not positive SMC_TRAFO_INVALID_PARAMETERS 12000 The parameter values of the transformation are invalid. SMC_TRAFO_INVALID_CONSTELLATION 12001 The requested position is outside of the working area of the transformation. SMC_TRAFO_INVALID_COUPLING 12002 The tool cannot work together with the positioning-part of the machine. Either, the positioning-part doesn’t implement ISMPositionKinematics2, or the tool cannot deal with the positioning’s image of orientations. SMC_TRAFO_NOT_INITIALIZED 12003 The FB implements ISMKinematicWithInitialization, but hasn’t been Initialized yet. SMC_TRAFO_NO_TOOL_WITH_OFFSET_ALLOWED 12004 Special error for positioning part of Kin_4Axis_Palletizer, which implements ISMPositionKinematics_Offset2, but cannot actually cope with offsets <> 0. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_TOOL_OFFSET_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_KINEMATICS 12005 The configured tool offset is not compatible with the kinematics used SMC_TRAFO_INVALID_AXIS_LIMITS 12006 The configured position limits of one or more axes are not valid for the kinematics. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_PATH_DEVIATION_TOO_HIGH 12007 This error code has been replaced by SMC_AXIS_GROUP_MAX_AXIS_LAG_EXCEEDED, SMC_AXIS_GROUP_MAX_POSITION_LAG_EXCEEDED and SMC_AXIS_GROUP_MAX_ORIENTATION_LAG_EXCEEDED. SMC_AXIS_POSITION_EXCEEDS_POSLIMITS 12008 The given axis position exceeds the position limits of an axis. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_NO_DYNAMIC_MODEL_CONFIGURED 12009 No dynamic model has been configured for the axis group. SMC_DYNAMICS_NUM_TORQUES_NEQ_NUM_AXES 12010 The number of torques returned by the dynamic model is different from the number of axes. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_MAX_AXIS_LAG_EXCEEDED 12020 The axis lag is higher than the allowed tolerance. When tracking is used, this indicates that the tracked object is accelerating/ decelerating too quickly for the robot to follow. See SMC_SetPathTolerance . SMC_AXIS_GROUP_MAX_POSITION_LAG_EXCEEDED 12021 The position lag of the TCP is higher than the allowed tolerance. When tracking is used, this indicates that the tracked object is accelerating/ decelerating too quickly for the robot to follow. See SMC_SetPathTolerance . SMC_AXIS_GROUP_MAX_ORIENTATION_LAG_EXCEEDED 12022 The orientation lag of the TCP is higher than the allowed tolerance. When tracking is used, this indicates that the tracked object is accelerating/ decelerating too quickly for the robot to follow. See SMC_SetPathTolerance . SMC_CP_CACHE_FULL 12100 The cache of the CP planner is too small. SMC_CP_EVAL_ERROR 12101 The evaluation of the position on a path element failed (internal error). SMC_CP_NON_CONTINUABLE_STATE 12102 Non-continuable state reached (internal error). SMC_CP_MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDED 12103 Maximum trajectory length exceeded (internal error). SMC_CP_ACCELERATION_TOO_HIGH 12104 Path acceleration too high (invalid state, internal error). SMC_CP_MAX_ITERATIONS_EXCEEDED 12105 Maximum number of iterations exceeded (internal error). SMC_CP_NO_TRAJECTORY 12106 No trajectory could be computed (internal error). SMC_CP_OUT_QUEUE_FULL 12107 The out-queue is full (internal error). SMC_CP_QUEUE_UNDERRUN 12108 The computation of the trajectory could not be performed in real time. The fill level of the sync buffer between the planning task and the bus task was too low. Possible reasons: The task configuration of the planning task is not set correctly. Please see the online help chapter “Diagnosis of Problems with Movements” for good settings. The performance of the PLC is not sufficient. Possible measures to avoid the error: use a separate, dedicated CPU core for the planning task increase the bus task interval increase the planning interval and/or the sync buffer duration using SMC_TuneCPKernel The current fill level of the sync buffer can be monitored using the CurrentSyncBufferDuration ouptput of MC_GroupReadStatus . SMC_CP_INVALID_QUEUE 12109 Invalid queue (invalid size or pointer) SMC_CP_BLENDING_INTERNAL_ERROR 12110 An internal error occurred while blending two CP movements SMC_CP_CIRCLE_COLLINEAR_POINTS 12111 The three points that define the circle are collinear. SMC_CP_CIRCLE_CENTER_NOT_ON_BISECTOR 12112 The center point is not on the perpendicular bisector of the start and end point. SMC_CP_CIRCLE_RADIUS_ZERO 12113 The radius is zero SMC_CP_CIRCLE_DISTANCE_LARGER_THAN_DIAMETER 12114 The distance between start and end point is larger than the diameter. (When trying to create a circle using SMC_Circ_Mode.Radius .) SMC_CP_CIRCLE_START_AND_ENDPOINT_EQUAL 12115 The start and end point are equal ( SMC_Circ_Mode.Radius ). SMC_CP_BLENDING_DEGENERATE_SPLINE 12116 The blending spline is degenerate (too short or non-regular) SMC_CP_ELEMENT_TOO_SHORT 12117 The path element cannot be created because it is too short. SMC_CP_COULD_NOT_CUT_PATH 12118 The path could not be cut for aborting movement (internal error). SMC_CP_INVALID_ANGULAR_VEL_ACC 12119 The given angular velocity or acceleration is invalid (quaternion with non-zero real part, internal error). SMC_CP_INVALID_ORIENTATION 12120 The given orientation is invalid (non-orthonormal matrix or non-unit quaternion, internal error). SMC_CP_TIME_BUDGET_EXCEEDED 12121 The given time budget for the computation is exceeded (internal error). SMC_AXIS_GROUP_AXIS_LIMIT_VIOLATED 12122 A limit of an axis has been violated. This can happen if a CP movement is done too close to a singularity or if the path has a very high curvature. SMC_CP_CONFIGS_DIFFER 12125 The kinematic configuration of the start position differs from the end position. The CP movement would pass a singularity. SMC_CP_BUS_TASK_NOT_CALLED 12126 This error is obsolete and is maintained only for compatibility. If a CP-halt/-stop is commanded, some information has to be transferred to the bus task. We expect this to happen before the next cycle of the slow task. SMC_CP_NO_ROOT_IN_INTERVAL_FOUND 12127 The stop trajectory could not be found in the interval. (internal error) SMC_CP_KIN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_AXIS_ORIENTATION_IPO 12128 The kinematics does not support the orientation mode “Axis” for continuous path movements. SMC_CP_AXIS_ORIENTATION_IPO_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_CPTR 12129 The axis orientation interpolation mode is not supported for CP movements with a dynamic PCS (tracking). SMC_CP_INVALID_PATH_ELEM 12130 An invalid path element has been created (internal error) SMC_CP_TRANSITION_NOT_SMOOTH 12131 The transition between two path elements is not G2 continuous, and there is no stop (internal error) SMC_CP_AXIS_ORIENTATION_IPO_CONFIG_DIFFERS 12132 Axis orientation interpolation mode is used, but between the start end end position, there is a singularity of the position kinematics. SMC_CP_AXIS_ORIENTATION_IPO_OFFSET2_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 12133 The position kinematics has configurations but does not implement the interface ISMPositionKinematics_Offset2. In this case, axis orientation interpolation is not possible. SMC_CP_ROTARY_AXIS_PERIOD_MISMATCH 12134 The target position of a rotary axis will not be reached in the commanded period. (E.g. the commanded target position is -170°, but the target will be reached with position 190° instead.) This means that the chosen interpolation to the target position is not compatible with the commanded position. For PTP movements (MC_MoveDirect*), this error can happen if the previous movement is a CP movement (MC_MoveLinear*, MC_MoveCircular*), and if the CP movement is very long. To avoid the problem, the CP movement should be divided into two or more shorter movements. The problem can occur if a rotary axis has to move 360° or more during the CP movement. SMC_CP_ROTARY_AXIS_RANGE_VIOLATION 12135 A rotary axis has violated the allowed axis range during a CP movement. The CP movment is not in the working area. SMC_CP_COMPUTE_TARGET_DISCONTINUITY 12136 The target trajectory could not be computed due to a discontinuity of the end position (internal error). SMC_CP_TRAJECTORY_NOT_SMOOTH 12137 The trajectory is not smooth, the phase end states do not equal the the current state (internal error). SMC_CP_ERROR_CREATING_PARAM_TRANSFORM 12138 A parameter transformation could not be created (internal error). SMC_CP_PTP_DATA_NUMBER_OF_AXES 12139 Error generating path-invariant PTP element (internal error). SMC_CP_NEGATIVE_PATH_VELOCITY 12140 Error while computing a new trajectory: the path velocity after phase 1 (positive jerk of length dTau1) is negative (internal error). SMC_CP_TRANSITIONING_FROM_SINGLE_AXIS_MOVEMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED 12141 Transitioning from a single axis movement to a continuous path movement is not supported. SMC_CP_PLANNER_NO_PROGRESS 12142 The CP-planner did not make any progress. This is an internal error That can be triggered by very sharp corners (e.g. blending between short elements or with small corner distance). SMC_CP_INTERNAL_EVAL_CACHE_ERROR 12143 Internal error in the evaluation cache of the CP-planner. SMC_CP_INVALID_ROOT_ACC_TOO_HIGH 12144 The acceleration at the trajectory end is too high for a valid root (internal error). SMC_CP_INVALID_ROOT_TRAJECTORY_TOO_LARGE 12145 The stop trajectory is too large. Reduce the velocity or increase the acceleration and jerk limits. SMC_CP_EMPTY_TRAJECTORY 12146 The trajectory is empty, i.e. has no phases (internal error). SMC_CP_FORECAST_TOO_LARGE 12147 The forecast duration is too large given the configured planning interval and sync buffer duration. To avoid this error, either reduce the forecast duration, reduce the sync buffer duration, or increase the planning interval. See SMC_TuneCPKernel for more details. SMC_CP_INVALID_ROOT_ENDPOS_NOT_GREATER_STARTPOS 12148 The end position of the trajectory is not greater than the start position (internal error). SMC_GROUPJOG2_MAX_DISTANCE_NON_POSITIVE 12200 Either MaxLinearDistance or MaxAngularDistance of SMC_GroupJog2 is non-positive. SMC_GROUPJOG2_DYNAMIC_CS_NOT_SUPPORTED 12201 SMC_GroupJog2 does not support jogging in dynamic coordinate systems. SMC_TRIGGER_TOO_MANY_TRIGGERS_PREPARED 12300 Too many triggers have been prepared for the next movement. SMC_TRIGGER_UNSUPPORTED_MOVEMENT_TYPE 12301 Triggers for wait commands and for halt/stop commands are not supported. SMC_TRIGGER_INVALID_POS_TYPE 12302 The given trigger position type is not valid. SMC_TRIGGER_RELATIVE_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE 12303 The relative trigger position must be in the range [-1, 1]. SMC_TRIGGER_PLANE_NORMAL_NOT_A_UNIT 12304 The normal vector for a trigger plane must be a unit-vector. SMC_TRIGGER_PLANE_DISTANCE_NEGATIVE 12305 The distance of the trigger plane must be non-negative. SMC_TRIGGER_PLANE_COORD_SYSTEM_INVALID 12306 The coordinate system of the trigger plane must not be ACS or TCS. SMC_TRIGGER_DISTANCE_OUT_OF_RANGE 12307 The trigger distance must be in the range [-len, len], where len is the length of the movement. SMC_TRIGGER_PLANE_NO_INTERSECTION 12308 No intersection between the trigger plane and the movement. SMC_TRIGGER_TRACKING_TRANSITION_NOT_SUPPORTED 12309 Triggers not supported for tracking movements between different coordinate systems. SMC_TRIGGER_PTP_NOT_SUPPORTED 12310 Triggers with position type MvtDistance and PlaneInstersection are not supported for PTP movements. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_FULL 12400 The cam builder is full. No new cam segments can be added. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_INVALID_MASTER_DISTANCE 12401 The master distance of a cam segment must be > 0. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_GAP_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS 12402 The new segment does not connect to the master end position of the previous segment. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_NO_IMPLICIT_LEFT_BOUNDARY_ALLOWED 12403 No implicit left boundary allowed, because the last segment has an implicit right boundary. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_INVALID_IMPLICIT_CAM_SEGMENT_MASTER_DISTANCE 12404 x0 of the new segment results in a master distance <=0 for the previous implicit segment. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_CAM_REF_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY 12405 The cam builder has more segments than the MC_CAM_REF can store. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_LAST_SEGMENT_HAS_IMPLICIT_RIGHT_BOUNDARY 12406 The last segment has an implicit right boundary. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_INVALID_CAM_REF_INITIALIZATION 12407 MC_CAM_REF init error, due to a null pointer to the cam segments. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_ERROR_PENDING 12408 The data of the cam builder cannot be written to the MC_CAM_REF, because an error is pending. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_CONTINUITY_REQUIREMENT_VIOLATED 12409 The continuity check of the cam builder detected a violated continuity requirement. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_MASTER_DISTANCE_TOO_SHORT 12410 The master distance of the cam segment is too short. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_IMPLICIT_CAM_SEGMENT_DISTANCE_TOO_SHORT 12411 The master distance of the previous implicit segment is too short. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_CAM_REF_INVALID_ARRAY_SIZE 12412 Array size is limited to 32767 SMC_CAM_SEGMENT entries and must be a multiple of this data type. SMC_MOVEMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR 13001 Internal error in a movement. SMC_MOVEMENT_GET_POS_INTERNAL_ERROR 13002 Internal error while trying to get a position in a movement. SMC_CPTR_INTERNAL_ERROR 13003 Internal error in the CPTR kernel. SMC_CP_IPO_INTERNAL_ERROR 13004 Internal error while interpolating in the CP kernel. SMC_CP_ADD_NEW_MOVEMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR 13005 Internal error while adding a new movement to the CP kernel. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_COORDINATION_INTERNAL_ERROR 13006 Internal error while coordinating kernels. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_ADD_MOVEMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR 13007 Internal error while adding movements to the axis group. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_READ_AXIS_STATES_INTERNAL_ERROR 13008 Internal error while reading the state of one of the group’s axes. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_READ_VEL_INTERNAL_ERROR 13009 Internal error while trying to read the velocity. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_READ_ACC_INTERNAL_ERROR 13010 Internal error while trying to read the acceleration. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_INVALID_STATE_INTERNAL_ERROR 13011 Internal error: The axis group is in an invalid state. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_PCS_INTERNAL_ERROR 13012 Internal error while handling a PCS. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_INTERRUPT_INTERNAL_ERROR 13013 An internal error occured during an interrupt. SMC_CONTINUE_DATA_READ_INTERNAL_ERROR 13014 Internal error while reading continue data. SMC_CONTINUE_DATA_WRITE_INTERNAL_ERROR 13015 Internal error while writing continue data. SMC_PATH_ELEM_INTERNAL_ERROR 13016 Internal error in a path element. SMC_PATH_ELEM_ESTIMATE_LIMITS_INTERNAL_ERROR 13017 Internal error while estimating the limits of a path element. SMC_PATH_ELEM_ZERO_LEN_INTERNAL_ERROR 13018 Internal error in a zero-length path element. SMC_PATH_ELEM_BLEND_INTERNAL_ERROR 13019 Internal error in a blending element. SMC_PATH_ELEM_BLEND_GEO_INTERNAL_ERROR 13020 Internal error in the geometric part of a path element. SMC_PATH_ELEM_BLEND_ORI_INTERNAL_ERROR 13021 Internal error in the orientation part of a path element. SMC_PATH_ELEM_BLEND_AS_INTERNAL_ERROR 13022 Internal error in an axis space element. SMC_ELEM_FUN_CART_INTERNAL_ERROR 13023 Internal error in an element function. SMC_CP_HALT_STOP_INTERNAL_ERROR 13024 Internal error during cp halt or stop. SMC_TRJ_PLANNING_INIT_INTERNAL_ERROR 13025 Internal error while initializing trajectory planning. SMC_TRJ_PLANNING_GEN_SAMPLES_INTERNAL_ERROR 13026 Internal error while generating samples. SMC_TRJ_PLANNING_PATH_OUT_INTERNAL_ERROR 13027 Internal error while creating the output path. SMC_TRJ_PLANNING_EVAL_AXIS_INTERNAL_ERROR 13028 Internal error while evaluating axis values. SMC_TRJ_PLANNING_LOOKAHEAD_INTERNAL_ERROR 13029 Internal error in planning lookahead. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_READ_JERK_INTERNAL_ERROR 13030 Internal error while trying to read the jerk. SMC_AXIS_GROUP_WRITE_CONTINUE_POS_INTERNAL_ERROR 13031 Internal error while writing the continue position. SMC_CP_TRANSITION_CHECK_FAILED 13032 Internal error while checking whether the path is continuous. SMC_ABORTING_INTERNAL_ERROR 13033 Internal error while aborting. SMC_LINE_TO_REL_STANDSTILL_INTERNAL_ERROR 13034 Internal error while creating a line to relative standstill. SMC_PATH_ELEM_POSE_EVAL_INTERNAL_ERROR 13035 Internal error while evaluating a pose on a path element. SMC_CS_REF_COUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR 13036 Internal error in coordinate system reference counting. SMC_PATH_QUEUE_INTERNAL_ERROR 13037 Internal error in the path queue. SMC_PATH_ELEM_QUEUE_INTERNAL_ERROR 13038 Internal error in the path queue. SMC_ELEM_FUN_QUEUE_INTERNAL_ERROR 13039 Internal error in the element function queue. SMC_MAC_DUPLICATE_CALLER_INTERNAL_ERROR 13040 Internal error in the multi acyclic communicator due to a duplicate SDO caller. SMC_MAC_INTERNAL_ERROR 13041 Internal error in the multi acyclic communicator. SMC_READ_POSITION_INTERNAL_ERROR 13042 Internal error when reading the axis group position. SMC_ELEM_FUN_PROJECT_POINT_INTERNAL_ERROR 13043 Internal error in function GeoPrim_ProjectPoint SMC_CAM_EVAL_INTERNAL_ERROR 13044 Internal error during cam table evaluation SMC_CAM_BUILDER_INTERNAL_ERROR_INVALID_CAM_SEGMENT_TYPE 13045 Internal error when evaluating the cam segment type. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_INTERNAL_ERROR_INVALID_DESCRIPTION_TYPE 13046 Internal error when evaluating the cam segment description type. SMC_ETC_CANNOT_DETERMINE_DCCLOCKREFERENCE 13047 Internal error, SM3_ETC_ITF does not contain the method SMC3_ETC_Slave.GetDcClockReferenceNs. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_INTERNAL_ERROR_IMPLICIT_BOUNDARY_CANNOT_BE_EVALUATED 13048 Internal error when trying to evaluate an implicit boundary. SMC_CAM_BUILDER_INTERNAL_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS 13049 Internal error when trying to access cam segments out of bounds.