Adr POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to the variable [...] not have to be set
BitStringFromContents (Function) GetBool [...] DevObjPropReferenceFromContents (Function) GetLreal
[0..1] OF LREAL [...] LREAL The radius of [...] positive. dEps LREAL If
Fun_GetEvaluationStepSize : BOOL Returns the [...] Fun_GetEvaluationStepSize BOOL Output stepSize LREAL
.IS_SPHERE_MAX_ROOTS - 1)] OF LREAL The [...] Fun Input radius LREAL [...] Error BOOL Returns TRUE if
system csSrc to MCS at [...] Fun_CS Input t LREAL
evaluated h/2 to the left [...] evaluated h/2 to the right Input h LREAL
0 POINTER TO ElemFun Pointer to a copy of [...] evaluated at x = 0 to
limited to the X-Y [...] points to when the [...] 2) perpendicular to the X-Y
limited to the X-Y [...] points to when the [...] 2) perpendicular to the X-Y