Type Return Create [...] ServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT
Type Initial Comment [...] _uiDefaultUDPPort UINT 135 gc_uiDefaultTCPPort UINT 135 gc
Ua_MonitoringParameters (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Opc [...] Type ClientHandle OpcUa_UInt
Ua_CreateSessionResponse (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Opc [...] Type Response [...] Ua_SignedSoftwareCertificate ServerSignature OpcUa_SignatureData
EventGetEvent : UINT [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] GetEvent UINT Input Event
Name Type Initial [...] SLOT UINT Slot number SUBSLOT UINT
Type Return Create [...] ServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT
Name Type Initial [...] SLOT UINT Slot number SUBSLOT UINT
Name Type Initial [...] SLOT UINT Slot number SUBSLOT UINT
Name Type Return [...] POINTER TO UINT output POINTER TO UINT