FilterCriteria Returns an instance of [...] FilterCriteria describing the filter criteria used to
Opens the device. @RETURN deviceId Id OF the device., -1 on
gateway of the ethernet node. The device has to be in disabled
. InOut: Scope Name [...] of the Controller [...] ] OF BYTE The MAC
_SendClass3ConnectedMessage : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] ConnectionHandle UDINT IN: Handle of [...] : Pointer to the message
qualified name of the [...] device. InOut: Scope [...] determines, whether the
Address of the client. In [...] UaServer_Session_Information : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] the session. pwsSessionName
this instance). In [...] IRMPFBCommunication The list of [...] called before the
_only InOut: Name [...] alarm for the device [...] _MODE : Filter scope of RALARM
the factory to give [...] instance with the content of itfData In