Input dialog [...] Client POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
the “data model [...] Inputs 0 Coils 1 Input
Out: Scope Name Type Input [...] _Sample udiSizeData
data item. Input itfData [...] _PARAMETER: itfDataItem is [...] _NO_OBJECT: If the data item
valid. Input h [...] algorithm. pData POINTER [...] ByteString Data to calculate
WriteString UDINT Input itf [...] , where the data has to [...] data psz POINTER TO
AnalyzeHeaderObsolete UDINT Input pData [...] byteorder of the data
DrvSercos3.Sercos3Slave Input x [...] SercosError UDINT abyData ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE usiData
DrvSercos3.Sercos3Slave Input x [...] TimeOut UDINT abyData ARRAY [1..4] OF BYTE usiData
data into a file The data of a single [...] _IEC_RESULT Input xFirstCall BOOL