Out: Scope Name Type [...] Client POINTER TO VisuStructClientData [...] structure ClientType Visu_ClientType
data type The [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Input ppData POINTER
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Input ppData POINTER
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Input pData POINTER
Type Return AreaWrite ERROR Input pData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Input pData POINTER
Ua_X509IdentityToken (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Opc [...] Type PolicyId OpcUa_String CertificateData OpcUa_ByteString
data dwSelectionType [...] Name Type Comment [...] PAASelection DWORD Input pClientData
Out: Scope Name Type Input [...] OperationNumber UINT pbyData POINTER TO BYTE udiData