part of a list [...] INotificationClient.ListValueWrite (METH) ¶ METHOD List
IOL_PortStatusList (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE IOL_PortStatusList : STRUCT IO-Link PortStatusList
operation on a list of [...] INotificationClient.ListOperationDone (METH) ¶ METHOD List
IDataItemList [...] IDataItemList [...] IDataItemList
AlarmStorageGetTextList [...] AlarmStorageGetTextList [...] determine the name of the
operation on a list of [...] INotificationClient.ListOperationStart (METH) ¶ METHOD List
elements of CODESYS [...] two groups of these [...] the visibility of
SortedList [...] contains the value of [...] Equals of IElement to
List [...] contains the value of [...] Equals of IElement to
SMC_CAN_IsSDOInStartupList (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SMC_CAN_IsSDOInStartupList [...] list contains an