ComGetSettings2 (Function) SysComOpen (Function) SysComOpen2 (Function) SysComOpen
for file system [...] . Contents: ¶ DirFile [...] DirGetCurrent (Function) SysDirOpen
_xChannelExtendedStatusBlock (Function) CIFX_xChannelFindFirstFile (Function) CIFX_xChannelFindNextFile [...] _xChannelInfo (Function) CIFX_xChannelOpen
DriverOpenH (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION DriverOpen [...] configuration file should be
open a file FOR [...] use in runtime ERR_FILE_ERROR UDINT 16#32 File
Lbrary Contents: ¶ SysPipeOpen [...] file Sys
returned by SysDirOpen [...] be file or
IntLevel (Function) SysIntOpen (Function) SysIntOpen [...] file Sys
SysShmGetPointer (Struct) tSysShmOpen [...] ShmGetPointerAsync (Method) SysShmOpen [...] file Sys
DirCreate (Function) SysDirOpen [...] DirCreate30 (Function) SysDirOpen [...] file SysDir23.clean