CODESYS Development System
.168.101.109”)、设备地址(例如: [056D [...] 持续时间 [s] :锁定时间(以秒
#23H59M59S [...] BACnetDateTime dat = D [...] #0S (begin of
Tau1 corresponding to dS_1. dS [...] to dS_0 d [...] to dS_1 dS_0 LREAL
position dS_abs on the [...] position dS_rel relative [...] in a way that dS
Default en de 293 %d %d %d 63 %s %s %s 380
] %d [ms] 11 `` %s [...] Default DE EN 7 `` %d`` %d %d 4 `` %d [B
NumSlots >= 2 dDeltaS > 0 If L > 0 then dDeltaS [...] <= dDeltaS * (n
Type dEps_t LREAL dEps_s LREAL dEps_v LREAL d
State sFilePath STRING(255) Input dTs LREAL dS LREAL