ErrorID SMC_ERROR [...] . TriggerId SMC_TRIGGER_ID The id of the
Client : NBS.TCP_Client ; eErrorID [...] ClientOptions , eErrorID => eErrorID [...] eErrorID ERROR
.UDP_Peer ; eErrorID : NBS.ERROR [...] Peer.SetOptionProvider ( myUDPOptions , eErrorID => eErrorID ); END
Server : NBS.TCP_Server ; eErrorID [...] ServerOptions , eErrorID => eErrorID [...] eErrorID ERROR
SharedAreaRef => itfStringRef , eErrorID => eErrorID ); IF eErrorID [...] SharedAreaRef ISharedAreaRef eErrorID
reached. When iErrorID [...] ( iErrorID ≠ 0) are [...] output state ERROR ( iErrorID
available eErrorID = ERROR.PENDING is [...] eErrorID ERROR
packet is available eErrorID = ERROR.PENDING is [...] Packet IPacket Output eErrorID
Type triggerId ULINT x LREAL errorId SMC_ERROR
Cmd PROC_CMD usiNetId USINT local NetId usiNodeId USINT local NodeId ui