_family INT sin_port UINT
InputBufferSize UINT The size of the [...] points to iLength INT iPosition INT
UaType_Byte 3 OpcUaType_Int16 4 OpcUaType_UInt16 5 OpcUaType_Int
Ua_RequestHeader SubscriptionId OpcUa_UInt [...] OfMonitoredItemIds OpcUa_Int [...] TO OpcUa_UInt32
Type sin_family INT sin_port UINT sin
StringCopy (Function) TryAdjustData_Int [...] AdjustData_Real (Function) TryAdjustData_UInt
Ua_NodeId ValueRank OpcUa_Int [...] OfArrayDimensions OpcUa_Int32 ArrayDimensions POINTER TO OpcUa_UInt
Ua_RequestHeader StartingRecordId OpcUa_UInt [...] RecordsToReturn OpcUa_UInt32 NoOfServerCapabilityFilter OpcUa_Int32 Server
IEC61850_AT_Quality subID_REF INT [...] IEC61850_AT_UNIT db tyIEC61850_AT_UINT32 zeroDb tyIEC61850_AT_UINT
InputBufferSize UINT The size of the [...] points to iLength INT iPosition INT pst