“Destination” (ARRAY OF BYTE [...] split up into 4 BYTEs [...] NumberOfBytes” is a multiple of 4
” (ARRAY OF BYTE) into [...] DWORD), meaning 4 [...] NumberOfBytes” is a multiple of 4
significand byte is the [...] byte the red value [...] Variable POINTER TO STRING Name
POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] represented. byVarType BYTE [...] 3: DINT 4: UDINT
DeSys 2.3 projects, to get access to real [...] .07.2018, 10:35:13. LibDoc 4.4
$51=81. BCD_TO_BYTE [...] _WORD (Function) BYTE_TO [...] ¶ A BYTE in the BCD
formulas are used to [...] EditorMasterMax = 4 A master value [...] . Index 0 refers to the
_LEN BYTE Length of the alarm information: 4 [...] BYTE Alarm Type SLOT
_ISO8601 (Function) DT_TO_REAL [...] _LTIME (Function) INT64_TO_REAL [...] _ISO8601 (Function) LTIME_TO_REAL
H Description 1 ¶ Library to [...] FileStreamFPrintf_Int (Function) SysFileStreamFPrintf_Real [...] FileStreamFScanf_Int (Function) SysFileStreamFScanf_Real