OfSubscriptionAcknowledgements OpcUa_Int [...] Acknowledgements POINTER TO OpcUa_SubscriptionAcknowledgement
PercDBLimit : INT [...] used to check the DB
TO ARRAY [0..0] OF [...] RegistrationDataHashTableElement nCount INT
InputRectangles POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0 [...] InputRectangles INT
DeSys 2.3 projects, to get access to real time clock Contents
1), the time difference [...] a time -delta [...] extrapolation is used to
string is equal to a [...] Position INT The position (relative to 1) within
notation to the value [...] CaretPosition INT The current [...] SelectionStart INT The start of
Ua_String NoOfLocaleIds OpcUa_Int32 LocaleIds POINTER TO [...] ResponseMessageSize OpcUa_UInt32 ClientConnectionTime
variable over time In this case, over time [...] each call to the