Name Type Initial [...] _SLAVES UINT := 32; Device [...] if a device does
-Device-Object of this [...] Out: Scope Name Type
_only InOut: Name [...] DISABLED Device
the SPI device /dev [...] with super^.<MethodName [...] the device) The
their name spaces [...] ¶ Name: Base [...] Device Diagnosis
-Device is reflected by [...] : ObjectName Parent [...] Device
PLCNext_Axioline.GetDeviceState () = DED.DEVICE [...] _IF InOut: Scope Name
_StandardSymbolicMonitoringInit2 : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] _StandardSymbolicMonitoringInit2 bWithDevice [...] the device login is
_IF_READ_RECORD_RSP_DATA_T : STRUCT InOut: Name [...] indication. hDeviceHandle UDINT The device
their name spaces. 3 [...] Device Diagnosis [...] ¶ Placeholder: CAA Device