ToWrite POINTER TO STRING pDataToWriteTo POINTER TO BYTE dataType [...] Name Type Return
ProtStructCommPh (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE RdtProtStructCommPh : STRUCT Redundancy Data [...] Out: Name Type Comment w
) ¶ TYPE PN_ADDR : STRUCT data structure [...] Out: Name Type Initial
contents as WSTRING data type. If the contents are not of type
contents as REAL data type. If the [...] apropriate type 0 is
contents as LREAL data type. If the [...] apropriate type 0 is
contents as DINT data type. If the contents are not of type
contents as TIME data type. If the contents are not of type
contents as UDINT data type. If the contents are not of type
contents as BOOL data type. If the contents are not of type