IDriverStateMachine ¶ Connecting (Method) PollRequestResult (Method) ResetAfterError (Method) SendRequest (Method) ShutdownAfterError (Property) ShuttingDown (Method) StartConnect (Method) StartShutdown (Method)
IDriverStateMachine2 ¶ WaitingForCommSetting (Method)
IDriverStateMachineNotifyBeforeShutdown ¶ BeforeShutdown (Method)
Internal ¶ AsyncPLCHandler (Property) GetDeviceInfo (Method)
Utils ¶ Collections DataItemItfVector (FunctionBlock) AddItem (Method) FB_Exit (Method) GetItem (Method) abstrAssign (Method) PStringVectorArrAccess (FunctionBlock) FB_Exit (Method) PtrVectorArrAccess (FunctionBlock) ReadItemVector (FunctionBlock) AddItem (Method) FB_Exit (Method) GetItem (Method) Remove (Method) RequestVector (FunctionBlock) AddRequest (Method) GetLast (Method) abstrAssign (Method) ComponentConstants (GVL) Logging Assert (Function) ErrorPLCHToString (Function) ErrorToString (Function) LogComponent (FunctionBlock) FB_Exit (Method) FB_Init (Method) Severity (Enum) MapErrorCode (Function) MapErrorCodeFailedAsConnLost (Function) PlcHandlerAccess AsyncBase (FunctionBlock) CanTrigger (Method) FB_Init (Method) JoinLastAction (Method) LastActionCompleted (Property) LastActionFailed (Property) Reset (Method) TriggerCall (Method) TriggerCallWithTaskInfo (Method) AsyncWrapper (FunctionBlock) Connect (Method) DefineVarList (Method) Disconnect (Method) Init (Method) ReleaseRequest (Method) SyncDefineVarList (Method) SyncReadVarList (Method) SyncReadVarListFromPlc (Method) SyncReadVars (Method) SyncSendService (Method) SyncWriteVarListToPlc (Method) TriggerConnect (Method) TriggerDefineVarList (Method) TriggerDisconnect (Method) TriggerReleaseRequest (Method) TriggerSyncDefineVarList (Method) TriggerSyncReadVarList (Method) TriggerSyncReadVarListFromPlc (Method) TriggerSyncReadVars (Method) TriggerSyncSendService (Method) TriggerSyncWriteVarListToPlc (Method) RuntimeCredentialsHandler (FunctionBlock) ResetIniContent (Method)
Collections ¶ DataItemItfVector (FunctionBlock) AddItem (Method) FB_Exit (Method) GetItem (Method) abstrAssign (Method) PStringVectorArrAccess (FunctionBlock) FB_Exit (Method) PtrVectorArrAccess (FunctionBlock) ReadItemVector (FunctionBlock) AddItem (Method) FB_Exit (Method) GetItem (Method) Remove (Method) RequestVector (FunctionBlock) AddRequest (Method) GetLast (Method) abstrAssign (Method)
ComponentConstants (GVL) ¶ Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Constant DatasourcesComponentName STRING ‘DatasourceSymbolic’ ComponentId UDINT 16#1091
Logging ¶ Assert (Function) ErrorPLCHToString (Function) ErrorToString (Function) LogComponent (FunctionBlock) FB_Exit (Method) FB_Init (Method) Severity (Enum)
MapErrorCode (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION MapErrorCode : SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return MapErrorCode SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input err PLCH.Error
MapErrorCodeFailedAsConnLost (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION MapErrorCodeFailedAsConnLost : SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT At the moment the PLCHandler returns only Failed in case of a connection loss when waiting for a service In situations where we expect this behaviour, this method can be called which will then return a more specific error code. InOut: Scope Name Type Return MapErrorCodeFailedAsConnLost SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input err PLCH.Error