MainVisuGlobally INT Input clientsTo [...] MainVisuGlobally : INT Changes the [...] switch to the given
DataPoint_DSName POINTER TO ty [...] DataPoint_RptID POINTER TO tyIEC61850_DataPoint OptFlds tyIEC61850_AT_INT
contains the data to [...] Frame INT Frame index iSelected INT Page selected
memory to start with a [...] TO BYTE CHECKED [...] int. visu and not
: <unused> 1: INT 2: UINT [...] Elements INT Number of [...] . nTappets INT
FctGetMeasureStringApprox : INT Get the measure [...] FctGetMeasureStringApprox INT Input itf [...] StructFont font to use ps
SplitTextListId : INT [...] TextListId INT Input rwStr REFERENCE TO WSTRING “one
IOMemoryAccessExpression : BOOL Reparse %IX [...] # int in the [...] IOMemoryAccessExpression BOOL Input st
RegulatorOnIn BOOL bDriveStartIn BOOL f [...] InvertDirection BOOL Output b
RegulatorOnIn BOOL bDriveStartIn BOOL f [...] InvertDirection BOOL Output b